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Does the operation for bladder cancer create problems when getting an erection?

Tagged as: Health, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 August 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 13 August 2009)
A male United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

i am going to be having an operation for bladder cancer soon i read that sometimes it does affect the dick to get an erection has anyone out there had a bladder cancer operation and had this problem as i just want to know what it would be like and if there is any help out there.i am a sex mad addict and it would be really a big blow for me as i have at present a very high drive in that department.

thank you

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 August 2009):

I don't know the answer to this, but because of research on cancer in the family, I have a couple of recommendations.

First, have you had at least a second opinion and perhaps a third opinion? I think that is a wise thing to do with anything as serious as cancer. The outcome might be the same, but I have personal experience with 3 opinions on one cancer case and they all varied to some extent, one to a large extent.

Second, is the surgery being done by a urologic oncologist or will one be present during the operation? With most cancers, it is important to know if the cancer has spread and to know what to look for and biopsy in the surrounding tissues. An oncologist who specializes in cancer of that type is best qualified to do that. That is not to say that a good urologist and general surgeon will not do an excellent job, but you are much more likely to have a positive outcome or not need additional surgery if it is done by the most qualified doctor.

In addition to these things, do everything that Tisha has suggested. She is completely correct in what she said. It is very important to research it yourself as much as possible so that you know what to expect and what questions to ask.

You are concerned about your sex life. That is natural. Men who have surgery for prostate cancer, even with nerve sparing robotic surgery, often have a 6 month to 2 year recovery period relative to their ability to have sex. I don't know how this relates to bladder cancer though. To keep the tissues in the penis functional during this time, they are most often prescribed one of the ED drugs 2 or 3 times a week and to use a vacuum pump several times a week to keep the spongy tissue in the penis that fills with blood to form an erection working and not atrophying.

The best of luck to you.

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (12 August 2009):

Tisha-1 agony auntHere's a very good center that has some good information about this topic. GET SMART!

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (12 August 2009):

Tisha-1 agony auntI can only quickly weigh in on this topic: I had a close family member go through this and the answer to your question is yes, it can indeed cause a problem with getting erections post surgery. It depends on the extent of the surgery you are facing. Are you having your bladder removed?

The nerves that allow an erection to happen are located very close to the area they'll be working in and if you have a surgeon that does not practice what they call the "nerve-sparing" technique, you may lose the ability to have an erection.

This was a huge concern for the family member and he went and found a very good clinic (here in the U.S.) that had highly trained and progressive surgeons who were doing cutting-edge techniques. Get out there and get yourself a second opinion. Ask questions like crazy, do not take "Oh, we'll fix you up" as an answer (which is what my family member heard). You must be your own health care advocate; no one is going to take as much care of your body as you.

Again, ask lots of questions, I've got a sample list for you here. Where are the incisions made, what is being removed, what is the standard technique, are there any surgeons out there who have more experience, how many surgeries like this do you perform in a year, where did you train, how long have you been practicing, are there any alternatives to the surgery you suggest here, who else is working in this area.

Frankly, you should be more concerned about the CANCER than about your sex life. You can't have a sex life if you don't survive the cancer. Find out if you need chemotherapy or radiation.

You have to start being a smart health-care consumer. Be a pain in the ass if you have to, but get yourself educated and every single one of your questions answered.

Good luck and I hope you recover well.

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (12 August 2009):

DrPsych agony auntIt is possible that your sexual functioning would be affected, but that depends on the nature of your cancer - stage of disease and if it has spread to other areas of your body. I suggest that you ask your consultant what the impact is anticipated to be, and try ringing BACKUP (SEE as there is a helpine you can ring to speak to a cancer-specialising nurse about your concerns. I wish you a swift recovery!

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