writes:I have always had in mind to put some article here but I never found the real time to do it.This article is just to express my thanks to this website. I know for a fact that Dearcupid doesn't answer all people's questions to what they want to hear but this is why this site is a very good one. You get to have all the opinions of different people of all ages who will share to you their opinion based on what they know as per their experience. Anyway, if you noticed...there is a majority who will have all the same answers said in different ways. And all problems are basically of the same nature. They are just coiming in differently with a little complication or more simplicity. The bottom line is, we all have the same relationship problems.In this case, i have to say...as I have visited this site almost nightly. I think I have learned about relationships what I must learn in like the next 50 years of my life. Amazing, how for just some few months, I can tell what kind of behaviors we can forgive or forget from our partners. Coz basically, all good people, nice people act the same way and all jerks or assholes do the same thing also. And I never even realized that until I read it all here.And this has helped me manage my own relationships. I feel i am a lot smarter now, thanks to our dear aunts. There may be some nice advises or harsh ones. But we should always remember..the truth shall set us free!! Reply to this Article Share |
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