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A Beautiful Mind

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Article - (26 February 2015) 0 Comments - (Newest, )
A male United States age 30-35, KennethWC writes:

While this is a phenomenal movie and one I wish to own, this is not what I'll be talking about.

I always read some of the most interesting journals on multiple sites, some have a sexual nature, which is nice, don't get me wrong, but to and for me, there is something more magnificent than just the woman's body and the acts she may use it for. The part of a woman that gets me interested the most is her mind. There are so many women out there who have amazing talents with a wide variety ranging from art, business, education, beauty (hair dressers/nail salons), clothing designers, graphic designers, I.T. professionals, and even gamers, just to name a few.

I love it all and admire it as well. A woman's intellect knows no bounds and has no limits, if she so chooses to free her mind from the chains that bind her. A woman with a beautiful mind is a woman worth having in your life and it doesn't matter how or in what way.

This person could be family: Mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, nieces, and so on. It could be your best friend, lover(s), your wife, step family, or anyone really from any lifestyle or region. All that matters is that these women, they're the ones I hold closest to my heart.

A fair amount of my friends are women and they know so many wonderful things and it makes me happy knowing they're an important part of my life. Seeing a woman with a beautiful mind is one of the most amazing things I feel a person can experience, especially if they decide to let you in and show you the things they are so passionate about. It's fun to share creative ideas, thoughts, words, and more.

Writing is one of my passions and I am happy to share it with the world for those willing to take the time to read. A woman with a beautiful mind is quite divine and a woman's intelligence is the most gorgeous part of her body, to me.

Sometimes, you meet some of the most wonderful people in a moment's notice and they become a part of your life for the long run. Keep those ones closest to you and watch how high you soar with them by your side

View related questions: best friend, cousin

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