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*hebaystud22's Ratings

My girlfriend keeps saying she's ugly (she's not), it's getting very annoying, how to get her to stop?

Q.   My girlfriend keeps saying she's ugly as hell or compares herself to her friends. I do tell shes beautiful but she's saying im lying to her. Its getting annoying. Im temptated to agree with her so she'll shup up about it. How I can get her to stop?...

A.   14 December 2008: You grab a hold of her, I'm talking like grab a hold. Bring her so close that you are almost kissing. Look her dead straight in the eyes and tell her how beautiful you think she is and that your opinion is the only one that matters... (read in full...)

Haven't had period yet should I get fingered?

Q.   hello i need some help.. there is a big party coming up soon and this boy in my school who is 14 said at the party he is going to finger me...i want him to do it because all my other friends have been fingered by boys but..i want to know if its alri...

A.   14 December 2008: I don't believe you should have that happen to you. You are not ready to have this happen. You have plenty of time for that stuff when you are older. Just because your friends are doing it does not mean you have to. You have feelings for this boy ... (read in full...)

My brother let me go in a foster home! Does he care?

Q.   I (I'm 15) recently loss both of my parents. My brother (he's 19) had make a choice let live with him or go live with a foster home. And you know what he picked over me HIS GIRLFRIEND (also 19). I'm in foster care now. Its like doesnt my brother ...

A.   14 December 2008: You have anger which you should. I don't believe your brother understands completely how you feel inside. But perhaps he is struggling too inside. Brother relationships are tough but I think you 2 need to talk. He cares, brothers have a love hate ... (read in full...)

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