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*ngela9999003's Ratings

Why is my Best-friend becoming an Enemy?

Q.   I have a Best-friend who I have known since 2011. Our friendship has been hot and cold many times. She is now dating a man who she has known online for 3+ years over Facebook. I do not believe he is healthy fit for my Best-friend as he has lost his...

A.   3 April 2019: Your best friend is mad at herself and probably insecure. She is willing to accept his background and immaturity. I would back off and let her live and learn. If you try to help her she will only rebel. After he humilates her enough she will ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend defends his ex when I get upset she visits when I am not there

Q.   im asian and my bf is european, we been 5 month know each other and we already meet also with his parents, my case is i really dont like and never accept when my boy still welcome her ex, i know they was together 5 year before. this girl dont even ...

A.   3 April 2019: Old saying goes 2 is a company &3 is a crowd,your not married leave this per son. Your significant other is dragging you alone all while keeping a "friendship" with an ex. Your significant other needs to make you a priority and your feelings, Trust ... (read in full...)

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