eddie, posted
over a year ago
I agree that most often it's the men who walk out the door. That is one of "those" things we kind of accept as the norm. The resaon I suppose is historical too. The alternative would be the wife and chidren leaving. I imagine it's just one of those things that developed that way and one we've accepted. Unfortunately, in society, we get tarred with the same brush.
As I said before, and I stand by this, as much as we try to manipulate or change nature, certain things are always true. Women are USUALLY better equipted to raise kids. It's in our genes. We've changed/altered many things about the way we behave, both men and women, but deep down inside, we got primal roles we're designed to perform. Women are capable to work outside the home. And I'm not saying they shouldn't, they're just as smart as men. But, if we get back to basics, they're better at raising children. When I say better, I mean physically. They have breasts. Men don't.
What I believe has happened in society is this, as we've developed, we've become more concerned with our wants or desires as opposed to our needs for survival. I mean, in the past we had well defined roles but the lines have become blurry. It's all understandable but sometimes is detrimental to our society. Sometimes we try to make our wants fit into the picture, overriding our needs. It's a tricky situation.
Lorena Bobbit......It doesn't really matter what her husband did after the incident of cutting off his penis. It's how we responded to it. Why is it funny when something like that happens to a man but taboo if it's a woman? There would have been no jokes if a woman was so brutally asaulted. Not a word would have been said except for how another woman was assaulted by a man. As far as him becoming a porn star, he's probably a little bit of a fringe dwellerin the first place.
Sometimes I think we lose our sense of control and respond in ways that set us back to the stone age. Men respond in a physical way because it's probably in our genes. We've taught ourselves not to do that. That is probably why it's more often men who do the assaulting. It has to be this because the numbers are so staggering in that direction. That's probably why when it happens to a man, people don't care as they feel the score is just being evened out. Just a few thoughts... ;)
Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 13:12 (London time) - permalink
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