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Dear Cupid > Forums > Cupid's Lounge > Hitting people/being hit???

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Hitting people/being hit???

willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Just a general query....has anybody noticed how much more forgiving we are towards women who hit men than men who hit women? We tend to make excuses for the women (emotions, she was pushed, drunk etc - but never really judge) but when a man does the very same thing we tell his lady friend to 'get the hell out of there', 'phone the police', 'kick his sorry ass to the kerb'.

I ask this because there is a question on the board now regarding this matter and i am wondering if I am the only one who finds the subject matter one that we give differing advice for when we know the gender of the person who did the slapping?

I am not out to cause a row, I am curious to see if this view I hold is held by anybody else....

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 12:19 (London time) - permalink
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sexylinzsexylinz, posted over a year ago

well i beleive that yes if a man hits a woman she should get the hell out of there but i also beleive the same if it is a woman that hits the man. if a woman hits a man she has given up her right not to be hit back in my eyes. i was always brought up that nomatter who hits you (man or woman) you should hit them back n if you (a woman) hit a man n he hits you back its your own fault.

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 13:44 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

WW true, true.. I think it happens quite a bit to do with other things too, I certainly try to stop and think "what if this situation had the sex's reversed - would i give the same advice"

Which one sounds worse?!

"Sarah slapped her boyfriend across the face"

"Mark slapped his girlfriend across the face"

I definitely think the second one does. I think girls have been traditionally "excused" to slap guys when they go "to far". Whereas a man who slaps a women can't control their aggression and disrespects women.

I think on the website some people have a tendency to go overboard with the "dump them dump them" advice. e.g. like you say, if an incident happens and people come out with the replies you mentioned, they forget that is not real life and that there is a huge difference between an abusive partner and a very serious yet reconcilable and regrettable mistake from someone.

Of course (some) men can do more harm than women, but that's irrelevant, the wrongness of violence men isn't on the account of their increased strength but rather violence is generally is wrong for all people.

So I agree with you :)

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 13:48 (London time) - permalink
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dragonettedragonette, posted over a year ago

Has somebody noticed that it's more acceptable to hit some people than other...

"He hit his wife" compared to "He hit his boss".

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 14:57 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

It's weird isn't it, the double standard. For example, I grew up with five brothers so i can 'hold my own' when it comes to a scrap, and believe me that is all the 6 of us did at times!! And I mean physically....but when I tell people we used to lay into each other everyone looks shocked that they used to hit me back!! I mean, I was scrapping 'like a boy' so I deserved my ass kicking 'like a boy'.

BUT, I don't condone violence...except in self defence or in defence of another, and I mean in a serious circumstance.

But the gender inequality on the answers on here has me puzzled at times...


Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 17:13 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Oh yeah, and Dragonette (cool name BTW) it is true that is is more 'socially acceptable' (if there is such a thing!!??) to hit some people than raised a good point there...

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 17:14 (London time) - permalink
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hanniesedshannieseds, posted over a year ago

I most definitely am guilty of this, I am very ashamed to say. I was one of the replyers on the question WW is talking about. When I hit my boyfriend the thing he found most difficult was the fact that if the roles had been reversed - if he had hit me, my friends/parents/everyone would have been disgusted in me if I had stayed with him, but because I hit him there was a different feeling about it all. That is what he found the hardest - the double standard. I completely agree.

I think mainly it is societies fault we think like this. All we see/hear in the news is 'man attacks wife' and we wonder why the hell she stays with him after something like that, but very rarely do we hear about a woman beating a man, and if we do there always seems to be a good reason for it. I don't know, maybe all of our pre-conceived ideals are fucked up and things shouldn't be like that, but they are, well in my part of the world anyway.

I don't really know what I'm saying, but I have a huge weight on my shoulders that will never leave me as long as I live because I am one of those people - someone who has beaten up the one she loves and I am so ashamed of it I can't even tell you how much. My boyfriend should have left me because I would have left him if it was the other way around, no matter if it was a once off or if I said some things that he thought warranted it. But he stayed with me and it was a damn hard decision for him. But I am happy to say it has been a year since it happened and we are in an even better, more loving relationship because it happened - if that makes any sense at all. Sometimes the worst things to happen can result in the best things to happen.

So I don't really care, to be honest, if anyone thinks any different of me because I am 'one of those people'. It was the first and only time in my life I will ever be violent with anyone because I now know it is the worst feeling in the world to physically and thus emotionally hurt the love of your life. I know it wasn't the real Hannie that came out that night, a mixture of drugs & alcohol and a huge fight with horrible words said seemed to just set me over the edge. I promised him I would never drink again, and a year later, I have one glass of wine with dinner and that's it. No going out and getting drunk for me because I don't want to risk 'us' again! I am continuing to prove to him that I am not really 'one of those people'.

So back to the original point. Basically my view is is that the world is messed up on so many issues that all we end up doing is going around in circles trying to make sense of it all. What we should be doing is trying to make the little differences in our own lives to make these changes. Talking about it like this I think definitely helps - it brings awareness to everyone that cares to read it.

So.... I'm not a 'man beater' really. I'm just a little girl living at the bottom of the world who make one huge-ass mistake and brain-farted all over her beautiful relationship. But time really does heal all wounds, we have proven that.

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 20:20 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

I think you are very brave and have a great insight into what happened hunny. It takes a lot to admit when we mess up, and god knows I mess up all the time.....

Posted on 14 February 2007 @ 22:9 (London time) - permalink
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DazzergDazzerg, posted over a year ago

I think there are alot of double standards when it comes to how society judges men and women in relationships and this is one of them...i dont think gender should matter when it comes to judging somebodies actions....i think that is the true meaning of equality...

Posted on 15 February 2007 @ 11:51 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

True, but it is visually more empowering for a guy to rape a woman than a woman to rape a man - isn't it? Just as a guy can get an erection, and a woman can't per se. Just as a guy can still enjoy being raped by a woman, but supposedly, a woman can't enjoy being raped by a man.


Posted on 15 February 2007 @ 22:31 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

Good point actually martini...

There is a film starring lee Evans called 'freezeframe' where he is raped by a woman, but it is not depicted with the same sort of 'horror' that is used for vice versa. It is almost as if 'if he didn't want it, he wouldn't get an erection', when most men just can't help getting one just form the mechanics of touch....

er, did that make sense?

Posted on 15 February 2007 @ 23:49 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Actually I saw a similar movie, don't remember the name though. It was about a guy who deals with money laundering or con artist of sorts. He gets tied up to a chair in his kitchen, and a woman rapes him. Then you see the scene in his head - he was thinking about his wife, how they met, and when they bought their house together, how happy they were, etc, trying to not think about how being raped by a hot woman riding him feels. Then BAM, the woman's head gets blown off, and some other guy enters the kitchen.

And yes, it made sense. 8]

Posted on 16 February 2007 @ 0:34 (London time) - permalink
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eddieeddie, posted over a year ago

Another question that begs an answer. Many of you may recall that woman, Loraina Bobbit from the USA. She cut off her husbands penis. It was big news about 10 years ago. The comedians had a great time making jokes. It went on forever. Does anybody think they would have made jokes if a man mutilated his wifes vagina with a knife? I doubt it.

Men are generally expected to bare the brunt of things wihtout showing too much emotion or care. It goes from being hit, to fighting for custody or visitation to see kids. We're expected to work,pay, support etc. but we seem to lose out on other things very easily. That is how it is for many guys. I happen to think that under "normal" conditions,women are better at raising kids too. They are after all, built with the equipment to do so. That can't be argued, it's nature and it's that way for a reason. We didn't make the rules. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but in general, they are better equiped. That doesn't make the superior in total, just in that department.

That is a carry over from the old days. Everybody is different, some still live that way, others don't. Some men still feel the need to play that role, others don't. Some women still expect it, others don't. It's all in the arrangements of the relationship.

Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 1:10 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

I always thought the Lorena bobbit thing was terribly unfair. I mean, not only did this guy have his crown jewels cut off, but everybody knew about it!!

Then again, if a woman had her vagina mutilated would she then go on to make a name and career for herself as a porn star?

In the UK at the moment there is a huge problem with absent fathers, they are being chased to pay for their kids by a non-exsistent government body called the Child support Agency (CSA). But still they won't pay!! How is this then taken out on the women they fathered children with, oh yeah, by stopping their benefits....

Eddie, you have to agree with the fact that more men than women walk out on their families (will find the statistical info, but don't have it to hand right now). If a woman walks out on their family it is 'unnatural', 'abnormal' etc. But it is sort of viewed as almost 'inevitable when a man does it....

Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 11:55 (London time) - permalink
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eddieeddie, posted over a year ago

I agree that most often it's the men who walk out the door. That is one of "those" things we kind of accept as the norm. The resaon I suppose is historical too. The alternative would be the wife and chidren leaving. I imagine it's just one of those things that developed that way and one we've accepted. Unfortunately, in society, we get tarred with the same brush.

As I said before, and I stand by this, as much as we try to manipulate or change nature, certain things are always true. Women are USUALLY better equipted to raise kids. It's in our genes. We've changed/altered many things about the way we behave, both men and women, but deep down inside, we got primal roles we're designed to perform. Women are capable to work outside the home. And I'm not saying they shouldn't, they're just as smart as men. But, if we get back to basics, they're better at raising children. When I say better, I mean physically. They have breasts. Men don't.

What I believe has happened in society is this, as we've developed, we've become more concerned with our wants or desires as opposed to our needs for survival. I mean, in the past we had well defined roles but the lines have become blurry. It's all understandable but sometimes is detrimental to our society. Sometimes we try to make our wants fit into the picture, overriding our needs. It's a tricky situation.

Lorena Bobbit......It doesn't really matter what her husband did after the incident of cutting off his penis. It's how we responded to it. Why is it funny when something like that happens to a man but taboo if it's a woman? There would have been no jokes if a woman was so brutally asaulted. Not a word would have been said except for how another woman was assaulted by a man. As far as him becoming a porn star, he's probably a little bit of a fringe dwellerin the first place.

Sometimes I think we lose our sense of control and respond in ways that set us back to the stone age. Men respond in a physical way because it's probably in our genes. We've taught ourselves not to do that. That is probably why it's more often men who do the assaulting. It has to be this because the numbers are so staggering in that direction. That's probably why when it happens to a man, people don't care as they feel the score is just being evened out. Just a few thoughts... ;)

Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 13:12 (London time) - permalink
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willywombatwillywombat, posted over a year ago

sorry the 'Lorena Bobbit' comment came out wrong!! I meant it in a positive sense....

The poor guy gets his nads cut off and suffers the humiliation of the whole world sitting in judgement or laughing or whatever....but he comes back to make a bit of a career for himself. If a man had done this to a woman there would be no 'coming back' i am sure. Gosh, even that sounds wrong, but it sounds ok in my head when I say it. It is something to do with tone of voice I think.

The humiliation would be too much. He must have been one strong guy to get over that anyway, especially when the whole WORLD knew.

Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 15:16 (London time) - permalink
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eddieeddie, posted over a year ago

No need to apolagize....I understood.

Posted on 17 February 2007 @ 18:4 (London time) - permalink
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