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SOOOooooo Pissed!

birdynumnumsbirdynumnums, posted over a year ago

Alright. As a few of you may remember, I got a shiny titanium hip last year. I have now had a handicap parking pass in both the U.S. and now, I have one in Canada.

I was just 53 when I got my new hip, because of a birth defect, and the other one will be replaced as soon as I am in too much pain with it as well. Most of the time, I walk without a limp, but not always. I have a fair bit of discomfort, and carrying anything heavy will aggravate both hips and wear out the new one faster, so says my SuperDoc.

I am not entirely past it, 'cause all the grey haired grandfather types check me out! LOL! And I drive a Cayenne and a littler Porsche in the summer. This conundrum of my looking fairly attractive and driving a nice car seems to stir up a lot of interest in my parking in these parking spaces!

I have many people staring, but on occasion, some do-gooder will start to harangue me verbally and accuse me of parking there illegally. I am put in the position of defending myself, being intimidated, and expected to divulge my personal medical history to satisfy their busy-bodiness. ???

The last time that it happened, it was by a portly redneck couple driving a Giant Red Hum-V (figures). After accusing me of parking illegally, she insisted that the permit was for someone else's license and that the police would be able to look it up! Then she insisted that I was on the defensive because I was guilty of something (perhaps being younger and thinner than the beotch). I did break down and use foul language at this point.

Needless to say, it spoiled my day anyways, and I was waiting around incase the nut job keyed my car.

I get it. There are a lot of people out there who do abuse the handicap spot - the previous week it was taken up by a young couple loading baby paraphernalia in and out of their car - and a young person waiting for someone else. They had no pass, I asked them if I could park, they moved,being polite and reasonable human beings.

I never have abused the handicap spot, mainly because I used to care for my father-in-law who was in a wheelchair. We often had my son's stroller in the back at the same time, and though I can appreciate that this time of life has it's challenges, the handicap spot is not a waiting/loading or unloading zone.

Honestly, even if the rednecks intentions were to save the spot for someone who is "truly" handicapped, because I may not "look" handicapped, but what made her not question her OWN intentions that she might be verbally harassing a handicapped individual? It wasn't right to put me into the position where i had to defend myself.

I don't feel that it is prudent or wise, as a women, to divulge that I can't break into a sprint when I am carrying a shoulder bag! I would NEVER ask someone parking in the spot if they were handicapped or what was wrong with them. Plus, my Doctor and the Ontario Government have approved my space!

When you are in the situation where you see the space being abused, call the police. Please. You might be wrong about what your eyes are seeing.

As for me, from now on, no more swearing, I'm just going to tell them to feel free to call the police to check my pass.

*rant out*

Posted on 22 February 2010 @ 22:25 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

cheers to the attractive lady driving the porsche!!!!!! woohoo.

Posted on 22 February 2010 @ 23:17 (London time) - permalink
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IllithidIllithid, posted over a year ago

Wow... I've never more than rolled my eyes at someone in that spot without a pass, and never confronted anyone WITH a pass because hey, I don't know. (Though I have seen a 16 year old borrowing a parent's car and using the spot.)

Funny thing is that there are people that will never step up and say anything about injustice, then there are people that mouth off every time they see anything that MIGHT be injustice. People are awesome, aren't they?

Posted on 22 February 2010 @ 23:31 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Ive noticed that most people that "stand up" to everyone else are pretty rottern themselves. It takes an ass to know an ass afterall

Posted on 22 February 2010 @ 23:36 (London time) - permalink
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eyeswideopeneyeswideopen, posted over a year ago

Nothing can be done about loud mouthed idiots.Water off a Birdy's back. You go girl.

Posted on 23 February 2010 @ 14:3 (London time) - permalink
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birdynumnumsbirdynumnums, posted over a year ago

Thanks to all of you for your indulgence in listening to my bi-weeky rant; or so it seems to have turned into a pattern - and for taking the time to write!

Mwaah Mwaah Mwaah and Hugs all around.

Don't let the bastards get you down!

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 1:49 (London time) - permalink
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pepper27pepper27, posted over a year ago

Sweety I understand 100% having crumbling bones in my back and neck and the pain that goes with it cause me to need to sit and bend over to ease the pain..I also get really strange and nasty comments for taking up chair space when I could have given it to the others who are obviously in more need than I as I must be young and quite well...I usually do give my chair but on occation Im in to much pain to think about it first..Yes I understand love..People judge far to quickly....And I have also gone off into a great rant of swear words when I really pissed off..So u go girl and dont allow people to assume about your life....cheeky gits.. xxxxxx ((((((((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 10:48 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I got a rant of my own!

What makes these techie guys assume that a girl knows nothing about technology??? How tough is it anyway to read a manual and interpret just what is written in there??

But nah... the men think that that is some secret code and we poor women folks need to be patronized.

Feel like smacking their smug mugs!


Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 11:29 (London time) - permalink
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IllithidIllithid, posted over a year ago

Kat, I am a techie guy and I usually assume computer stuff is pretty simple, but run into people (girls more than guys) that refuse to ever try and just roll their eyes at the thought of learning it. Until proven otherwise, I assume a person can handle simple tasks, but the ladies around here generally make a point of being willfullly ignorant.

I figure it's because America is so intent on teaching youg girls that "math is hard" or "computers are too complicated"... Drives me nuts.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 12:10 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I once read that a Barbie doll that regularly spoke "Maths is hard" was launched sometime in the last decade.

Again, another peeve...

And I wish more techies were like you Illy!

Thumbs up.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 12:18 (London time) - permalink
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Tisha-1Tisha-1, posted over a year ago

Birdy, you may rant at anytime, you have my permission! Like Pepper said, just ignore them.

I think by now you should have a little switch in your head that categorizes people and determines how you deal with them. When they cross the line into making assumptions and acting as judge and jury without all the evidence, they are now classed as 'idiots'. 'Idiots' do not need to be dealt with in the same way as normal people. You are free to lie shamelessly to them.

"My exterior looks fine, but I'm riddled with cancer inside. I have continual pain and I had to get the handicapped sign so I can manage to get around. How's your day going? Do you get to plan for long-term events, like retirement?"

Don't let the 'idiots' grind you down, dahlin'. xxx

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 13:6 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

welcome back tisha! *hug*How was your vacation? And pepper squidgy hugs? Not even one? What a letdown....*smile* deb

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 13:33 (London time) - permalink
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eyeswideopeneyeswideopen, posted over a year ago

Tell everyone your good news, Mal.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 13:42 (London time) - permalink
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JustMexJustMex, posted over a year ago

Those people are clearly shallow and judgemental. They must expect every disabled person to be either old or look like quasi modo. You don't need to justify yourself to anyone.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 13:45 (London time) - permalink
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JustMexJustMex, posted over a year ago

@ Illithid, maybe this doesn't apply to me cos I'm not in the US, but I've never had that attitiude! I quite liked maths in school actually...

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 13:48 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

yes license came in the mail legally and officially an EMT!!! couldnt run as such until the paper was in my hand. woohoo. mal

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 15:18 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago


Proud of you gal!


Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 15:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I was wondering about airports. Do you get to carry something that certifies you have metal implanted in your body? To allay security after the metal detector go off? What if you are one of the millions that spend the day looking for their reading glasses while they are perched on their head? Will the government tattoo something permanent on your ass for verification after you lose this document? Nothing gaudy mind you. Something like that watermark in hundred dollar bills.

Birdy would rather them think she is a moody loner with a hand gun. It's as good excuse as any to get a bunch big beefy dudes patting her down. I'd make them buy me a drink first.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 15:52 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

the last time i was at the airport, i was seeing someone else off...and they dug through my purse...they made me throw away a brand new tube of toothpaste. what is the point of that? have you ever heard of someone being toothpasted to death? no! ex~ray it and let me have it. i dont care tatoo it on my behind that this woman uses aquafresh....i am thinking i could apply for a job checking the tattoos. just the males please.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 17:2 (London time) - permalink
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IllithidIllithid, posted over a year ago

Mal, CONGRATULATIONS on the EMT license. I believe I congratulated you already, but here's another! GRATS!

JustMex, yeah it may be an American thing, but there's a pretty big stigma around here that only nerds can like math. Some guys like math anyway (and are thus nerds), but very few girls will admit to liking math, science, or computers. Science labs in school are 2/3rds guys. Computer labs are 95% guys. It's frustrating.

Oh and Mal, no you cannot be the Airport Security Tattoo Confirmation Engineer: Male Buttock Specialist.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 21:49 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Mal. It's been awhile since you were at an airport. I remember you telling me something about you and a friend dating two brothers that were pilots. Which one were you dating? Wilbur or Orville.

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 22:19 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

orville...wilbur was a bit toooooo geeky. that airport there at kittyhawk was the worst ive ever been in..the food was no good, the toilets wouldnt flush, they had not power and no generator, stewardessssss on strike. and the layover was longer than the flight.

illy i love math. am i weird? thank all for the congrats. mal

Posted on 24 February 2010 @ 23:59 (London time) - permalink
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IllithidIllithid, posted over a year ago

"wilbur was a bit toooooo geeky"

You got something against geeks, Mal?

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 0:28 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

nope i'd take bill a heartbeat...rofl *dont tell my hubby i said so though* but with wilbur it was the black tape holding the glasses together on the bridge of his nose that just turned me off.....mal

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 0:52 (London time) - permalink
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IllithidIllithid, posted over a year ago

Oh sure, you'll take Bill Gates, but don't trust "Fredrick"? Harsh, Mal.

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 3:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I'm not gay but for Bill Gates I'd give it a shot.

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 15:13 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Q, Bill Gates ain't gay either.

Try his wife.

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 15:27 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

i'll take bill he can have you think he would give me a new laptop?

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 16:35 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

oh Mal.. I thought that you were offering to be his new laptop! *wink*

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 16:45 (London time) - permalink
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birdynumnumsbirdynumnums, posted over a year ago

Congrats on the EMT, marriedlady!


Oh, airports, don't get me started on airports.

Yeah, I have a little plastic card from Rush University Hospital that says I have a metal prothesis. They have looked at the card once. I now have the joy of being patted down by a "female" security person every single fooking time I go through security - because I look so suspicious that I could be smuggling something through.

What possible nod to my own personal safety is it when half of the female guards are gay. I actually asked them how the bra check was supposed to be done, as mine are very average, a c-cup, and not hanging down to my toes quite yet. One female guard spent a whole lot of time lifting each one to "check the underwire". Had I know that she was supposed to use the back of her hand only and that my chest wasn't large enough to lift and move around, I really should have bitch-slapped that woman.

It's fabulous that we spend all this time and energy abusing and harassing a newly handicapped individual while the able-bodied terrorists are managing to slip right by those perverted security guards - isn't it?

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 17:52 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I propose forming a new agency and calling it the Department of Terrorist Safety Regulation, Activity Control and Monitoring. We will require terrorists to register with the government to make it easier to equip them with titanium hip replacements or some other immobilization system that can be retrofitted to the legs of offenders. I think we should remain committed to ensuring the safety of newspaper stands and duty free liquor stores through out the airports in this great country of ours.

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 19:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

My mum's in a similar situation (although she's older than you obviously). She had a hip put in a couple of years ago but she still has a bit of trouble getting about. She can walk, usually with a cane but sometimes not, but she is legally allowed to use those spots and has a little orange plastic thingie to prove it.

But I always expect someone to come over and hassle her when they see her parking in a handicapped spot but being able to walk. I wonder how I'll react if I'm with her. No doubt very, very defensively.

I think the best thing for you to do would be to fold your arms and say "ok, go phone the police. I'll wait right here." There's no point them haranguing you anymore because you're concenting to have your pass checked. So they'll either go and call the cops (who I'm sure will tell them they'll get RIGHT on it!) or fuck off and carry on with what they were doing. Most likely the latter.

And I LOVE the civically minded rednecks driving a humvee. How classic is that!

Posted on 25 February 2010 @ 23:55 (London time) - permalink
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birdynumnumsbirdynumnums, posted over a year ago

Ironical, even!

I'm imagining the fucking off carrying on with whatever they're doing involves hassling more people for fun.


They had a personalized plate with their name on it. I'm thinking of sending them a Chinese banquet for 40 at midnight. Or 2 party size pizzas! What do rednecks eat?

Posted on 26 February 2010 @ 18:39 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I think you're giving them too much of yourself already. I definitely think you're giving them too much by sending them free food!

You should send the foodz to me instead. :)

Posted on 27 February 2010 @ 1:59 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

send billy bob and peggy sue a bucket of fried chicken...let it get cold and send it at 3am. they will just be good and asleep.try not to wake all the kids or the mother in law. ..dont step on the dogs or the chickens on the porch. we dont need to get PETA involved...and for crying out loud birdy dont back over the goats or the pig in the driveway on your way out. there are a lot of people who LOOK perfectly healthy who arent. People should realize that. I have 3 friends with the same problem. The looks they get is unreal. im amazed at the fact that rude had no boundaries.......they are far worse handicapped than my hubby says crippled to high for crutches. mal

oh and thank you. :)been on three calls but i ended up driving so far.

Posted on 27 February 2010 @ 5:5 (London time) - permalink
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JustMexJustMex, posted over a year ago

'JustMex, yeah it may be an American thing, but there's a pretty big stigma around here that only nerds can like math. Some guys like math anyway (and are thus nerds), but very few girls will admit to liking math, science, or computers. Science labs in school are 2/3rds guys. Computer labs are 95% guys. It's frustrating.'

Well, that's a shame. Actually I know a lot of my friends act dumber than they are, especially around boys they like, which I think is pretty stupid. Intelligence should be attractive...well it is in my books anyway. And I liked Science in school :-) especially forensic science! So there, there's at least one girl that will admit to liking maths and science :D and I'll also admit to reading, which for some reason a lot of people think is sad, but books are usually always better than the films :-)

Posted on 27 February 2010 @ 10:44 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

birdy...this exact thing happens to my dad...he has a disabled son...and sometimes he parks in disabled and drops his son off (obviously with my stepmum too) or picks him up...but people will assume hes abusing it if they dont see my brother there....stupid people!

Posted on 27 February 2010 @ 11:4 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

justmex, i LOVE forensic science! Not fond of just plain ole science, but i do love math! Algebra is *gasp* my favorite. Since i teach in a private school i get to do it every year...i love to read, and i like the patricia cornwell books. Have you read them? It is a definite trend for girls in my area to act dumb. Simper around...giggle, baby talk...ugh. I can have as much fun and act silly but i love intelligent stimulating conversation as well. I appreciate a sharp wit and am drawn to that in my friends. Im not especially gifted in any area, pretty vanilla in fact. Thank goodness for those of you who are. Go techies! Im gadget challenged and have pm'd cw and illy and q and vintage on do you do Its the way to learn and youre never too old. My kids have to explain each new phone to me. Rofl. But im ever learning...i think. Mal

Posted on 27 February 2010 @ 14:32 (London time) - permalink
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JustMexJustMex, posted over a year ago

I loved algebra too! Everyone thought I was crazy but it was the best bit out of what we had to study for exams, mainly cos I understood it so easily, whereas other areas no so. Yeah I'm the same, I love having fun and pissing about but I do like to have intelligent conversations! I was talking about politics last night! Lol!

Nope don't read them books, never heard of that author (I'm not in the US btw). I'd also say I'm 'vanilla'...not particularly good at anything, well I'm quite good at art, but haven't done anything artistic for ages.

Posted on 28 February 2010 @ 11:36 (London time) - permalink
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