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Archived questions from: 28 July, 2012 (see latest in Troubled relationships category)

(More questions from July, 2012)

Troubled relationships: Help and advice

He chose to be with somebody else, even though he doesn't like her!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - He wont go out with me because he says Im too good for him, that he wouldnt make me happy, and Id end up finishing with him. We both like each other alot, and everyone knows it. Im a model and I do get alot of attention. He is unemployed and has ...

My ex fiance's sister is sending me cryptic messages!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I'm a little confused about a certain situation and not sure how I should react. My ex-fiance's sister recently posted personally to me on fb that if I observe something (didn't say what) I will obtain great wisdom and also, that if I pray t...

Is this possible? Could I do it? Want to cut verbally abusive brother out of my life but family frown upon it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4434 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - prior to a question id asked the other day Well i took the great advice , thanks guys for that, decided to cut my brother out of my life. However in doing so, i've h...

My feelings for him are strong. His actions indicate he doesn't care. What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I know i need to split up with my boyfriend, he is constantly out with his friends even though he has no job. We have a child together and when he is out im stuck in the house myself with no one to speak to, it has gotten so bad that it has driv...

Can't understand his reaction. Why did he make out nothing happened? We did cuddle. Did I do something wrong?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hello Aunts. Recently Ive been spending a lot of time with one of my male friends, I guess at this point in my life he would be my best friend as I spend all of my free time with him. We both have feelings for another but until recently neith...

What's he on about? Wedding called off, he's moving out, but doesn't want to split !?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I'm feeling heartbroken and I don't know where to go from here? My fiance and I have been together for 4 years and we were supposed to be getting married this September. We've lived together for the last 3 years and we bought a new hom...

Why ask? Should I comply? My married lover wants to know about any other women I sleep with

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (M - I have been sleeping with a married woman for over a year now. She has an open marriage (within some limits) and we get along great both inside and outside of bed. She and I were talking and I asked her if she'd be upset if I slept with other...

He's committed to me. FWB without the sex. So what do we have? And am I being too clingy?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I have been with a guy for 5.5 years now. We are both 21 right now. we dated the first 2 years and then we broke up because of something one of my friends at the time told me he was doing. I later found out she lied. He said sorry many many man...

To me he is perfect. We plan to marry. But do you think he is gay? What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for seven years. He told me approx a year ago that before we got together he had two sexual encounters with another male. He said these two occasions happened within a few weeks of each other. They didnt h...

My wife likes acting flirty sexy with other men. Should we consider the threesome offer my friend has made?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4422 days ago

28 July 2012 (M - My wife has a sexy body and a real cute ass , she loves going 2 pubs and clubs with me and sitting fully clothed on other mens laps. She gets really turned on feeling their erection sticking into her private parts and we never make it home afterwar...

Is it that he just does not like me? I feel neglected and hurt by his actions.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I met this guy at a club. we exchange numbers and texted time to time. then he invited me to come over his place to watch movie together. so I came to his place and had a small conversation with him suddenly he invited his friends and left me ...

He was mean to me. Sent me dirt nasty text. So I did something he called spiteful. Was I wrong to do that?

This question has 44 answers - newest was posted 4434 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Two months ago I met this guy at the birthday party. He seems nice and we exchaged phone numbers! We met three times, and afterward I tried to avoid him (i thought he was difficult and feel like all he wants is just have sex!) And here's a deal...

Is he cheating? I love him with all my heart but I'm now caught and lost in his deception

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - my bf is always lying and taking off for hours or days without saying he is leaving and doesnt call while hes gone. then lies about where he was who he was with, etc. then i find out from other people he was kicking it with other broads. he alwa...

Seems the same guy is trying to steal another girl away from me. How should I handle this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (M - My girlfriend and I have been together for nearly three months now, and lately, a guy has started trying to steal her away from me. This same guy has already taken one girl away from me and I know that he's heartless enough to do or say what...

Why would my boyfriend behave like this? He was most insistent about wanting sex.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hi, I really need to know that you think is going through my boyfriends head because this has never happened to me before in any relationship I have been in. I was getting ready to go out with a group of girlfriends one evening. About an hour bef...

What should I do? We broke up but he wants me 'on hold' but in his life? Yet he is talking to other girls already?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hi all, I have recently (2 weeks ago) broken up with a boyfriend of 4 months. The circumstances of the break-up were as follows: He stopped showing me any affection, he was cancelling plans to see me and he has avoided calls, simply texting m...

Sex only 4 times in 5 years? But no affection? Gives his Aunt more affection. Should I leave?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4429 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - My bf of five years has only had sex with me four times He also only shows affection to his aunt I'm staying with him but his aunt is the one to get the kiss when he comes home Is it normal he does kiss hold or touch me and I sleep in his bed I c...

We broke up last week. With No Contact, his idea. But can I still text him to wish him good luck with exams? Or wait?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hey Me and my bf broke up last week. I met him after 2 days asking him to be friends he disagreed for any contact. I maintained the no contact rule and today is the sixth day. He has exams on monday therefore, can I text him to wish him good lu...

I feel good about trying to clear the air, but was being honest a mistake?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4438 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I am in my mid twenties. I have been on about 6 dates with someone and things seemed to be going really..a good pace, good momentum..we text, talk..I didn't feel that anxiety too much wondering if he is going to keep contacting me. The past 2 an...

I was so mad to see her laughing and talking with somebody else, I punched a door!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4438 days ago

28 July 2012 (M - Hi everyone, Ok. So I have two problems. Hope you can help me... 1) See I'm a natural flirter, I don't mean to brag but I can make a girl smitten by me in a couple of seconds,not literally but you get the point. But when it comes to my crush. I...

He keeps ignoring me, makes excuses and then ignores me some more!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I have known this guy for around two years now. I’m going to refer to him as ‘B’. I was introduced to B through a friend, and from the moment we first met we hit it off. We started sleeping together and we would always get in contact when he came to ...

I told my lover's wife about us but it is as if she doesn't care!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I am so hurt right now, I decided to tell my married lover's wife about our affair, because I knew that would be the only way to stop it. I am 35 yrs old and he is a 43 yr old man. It started out as a friendship with casual dinners, and no sex. ...

Everybody else gets invited! Why not me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hi, I just need some opinions please. I began dating this guy about a year ago. He has a shore home that he has access to anytime. He has been to the home several times last summer as well as this summer. He usually takes friends and also has a bo...

I think my husband had gay sex with our dinner guest!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I have a bigger problem than my last one now! I think my husband of 4 years is having a gay affair! Ive talked to him, but to no avail, we just end up arguing, let me start from the beginning, 3 weeks ago, he kept making excuses to go out, 2 weeks ...

Boyfriend and I had a nasty fight and I don't want to keep calling him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Dear cupid my bf was flirting with a married girl from his office in his Facebook. it was disgusting and we had a nasty fight. He left and i called his mobile more times that i am supposed to. sent him couple of messages. What should i do now...

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