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Archived questions from: 12 January, 2011 (see latest in Troubled relationships category)

(More questions from January, 2011)

Troubled relationships: Help and advice

He tells me that he doesn't know what to do because he wants his kids and also wants me. What do I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4996 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Well here's my crazy story......when I met my husband we had a great relationship he was totally honest with me or atleast I thought he was being honest with me he told ne he had a son and that him and his sons mother had a mutual understanding that ...

Older boyfriend is not interested in sex...what could be the problem?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - my boyfriend is older than me by 15 years. when we first got together he took me places,ate out,he would do anything for me. now everything i do annoys him, he gets mad when i am sick,he won't touch me,kiss me,no sex. i can't bring the subject up ...

He says that he has doubts about us in the future!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4999 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - ive just recently had a fight with my partner. He says that i get upset all the time when he comes home from work tired and miserable. Ive been worrying about him but he says to stop worrying and that he is fine. Im unemployed as i have some medical ...

What should I do with my girlfriend, stay or leave?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - me and my girlfriend have a for the most part a good relationship, me and her know what each other is feeling, she a Gemini, so i heard about the split personality, like 2 people, but back to what i was saying, she talkes to her ex's saying they are ...

WIsh he would grow some balls and stop acting like a kid!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Hi I am a woman in my late 30's with a b/f of the same age. I have a grown up child and he has never married or lived with anyone before so I guess I have lived a lot more than him with regard to previous relationships. We get on really well and ...

Is my friend avoiding me or is she really sick?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Is my friend avoiding me or is she really sick? OK. I keep asking my friend to hang out with me and she keep saying she is so sick. Then when I text her she tells me she went shopping, to church, to choir practice, to get her hair done, to her sis...

Have I just been fooled?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4997 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - So, here is the situation: I feel like a fool right now. I started to get closer to this girl more than one and a half years ago. She had a boyfriend back then, but I knew that she is unhappy and the guy just does not let her go, even after a few...

Why am I so worried about moving?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - hello everyone, im having a problem with a difficult decision and was just wanting some input on it. So my boyfriend of almost 4 years and i are wanting to move in together. we have the whole house situation and all that stuff worked out, but my p...

My girlfriend has become distant and I don't know why

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - alright. I've been with my girlfriend for just about 10 months now. The first 3 were great and and then as the months followed things started to get progressively worse. She became more distant and didn't really spend time with me. Now more recently ...

She's my second cousin, we are not dating, but she means so much to me. What do I have in this relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - I have been close to this girl,(17, me 22), for a while now and we talk everyday. she is my second cousin, but there has always been something special between us. we are pretty close to each other and share almost everything and say we love each ...

My crazy ex is ruining my life. What do I do?!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

12 January 2011 (? - I'm really lost here people and I don't know what else to do? I've had a few difficult years of late. My Dad was diagnosed terminally ill and as a result past away a few months ago. I was with a girl who literally changed over night. Wh...

I hate him and so do our teenagers! I'm only staying because of the toddlers.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - My husband and I have been together 17 years and had 4 children. We have 2 teenagers and 2 toddlers. Our first 15 years together were great years. The last 2 years have been pure missery. My husband did a complete 180 and is a totally different ...

What is too friendly?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - What is too friendly Will try to be as comprehensive as possible. Please keep an open mind My best friend told me she had feelings for me and over a period of months, it developed into love. She told her husband she loved someone else and w...

My brother doesn't support my choice of a wife, he wants me to marry his wife's sister!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - Hello everybody, i'm 28 yrs old in love with my GF For 5yrs, she is the one i'm planning to marry very soon. My major problem is that, my elder brother who took care of my studies when i was in d university is not in d support to marry her. Now i'm ...

How do I get over my anger towards him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - I'm here looking for I guess you can say some understanding about why I'm feeling the way I feel. You see I was madly in love with a guy to the point where I took a rap for him and did 1 year prison time for him. The kicker is when I got released I ...

What will happen if she stays or get married to him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - She is 20 this year and is in a relationship with her bf for 5 years already. They have broke up but then patched back many times. Her bf is very possessive, slapped her before 2 yrs back, emotionally abusive at times and she has cried a lot in this ...

After all these yrs & all that we've been through why porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - In need of some advice. Me and my child's father are trying to work things out. We've been off and on for almost 9 yrs (majority of it was my fault) and we have a 2 yr old. He say's that he's forgiven me and is willing to let the past be the ...

I'm frustrated that my boyfriend is watching porn all the time

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - my boyfriend is always watching porno and more often murstabating. we dont have sex alot and i do like sex i hate what he is doing because he is always hiding and i alwazs know when hes doing it one time i asked him if am not enough for him and a...

I neglected a woman who I am now in love with. How can I let her know she is the best love I ever had?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - Hey Guys. I'm in love with a girl I treated like shit. I was to busy chasing after my ex who threw me away. stupid me. I got used to the girl I'm now in love with always being available and sweet and caring for me regardless of how cruddy I was to ...

He announced his love for me, broke up with his girlfriend of 4 years, but how do I enter a relationship with him without becoming a rebound?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - I have been best friends with my male friend for 7 years. We both were in long term relationships for most of the time we have known each other. My bf and I broke up about a year ago and this last year my best friend has been having relationship ...

The Mom of my married boyfriend has threatened to Dis-Inherit him if he doesn't go back to his wife. What can we do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - my boyfriend is married..i know but he left his wife and stayed with his mother and our relationship bloomed. he recently found out that his mother has had him followed, knows all about me..she told him to go back home to raise his 2 girls..(mind ...

She cheated and I forgave her. Now she's doing it again. How do I deal with it?

This question has 23 answers - newest was posted 4491 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - Hello, a year ago my gfriend cheated on me. We broke up for a short period then I forgave her. A year later, now, I discover she is still chatting online with the guy she cheated with. Frankly I want to dump her. It took me some stomach to take her...

I hate being rejected. She's not as interested as before. Our LDR is deteriorating. Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (M - Hello, I've been dating my highschool sweetheart for the past going on three years of college. She is about an hour away at a different college, however hopefully transferring here. Im truly in love with this girl and I would like to spend the rest...

He's apologized for his remark, but I'm feeling broken and lost inside. He means so much to me.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - I don't know what's wrong with me now. There was a misunderstanding between my boyfriend and me. He thought I was talking bad about his friends and said something to me that made me feel less important. I love him so much but I feel as if I don't ...

He's trying to change me on so many levels. When will these changes be 'enough' for him?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Hi, i really need some advice!! Iv been with my boyfriend for almost a year. Im 22, he's nearly 30 and he's a christian. Iv never felt like this about anyone before and i really really love him. When we first met everything was great! He was just as ...

I feel like I'm contributing majority of the effort in this relationship!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5001 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Sometimes, like now, i get very frustrated with my other half. We're very different people, i'm the more dramatic and reactive of the two and he is the overally passive, predictable one. There are parts of him that are absolutely beautiful, he's ...

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