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Archived questions from: 28 December, 2010 (see latest in Teenage category)

(More questions from December, 2010)

Teenage: Help and advice

Is it possible to make myself not love her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Uhm... I've known a friend since I was 12, and we've been best friends since then. However, during the past year, I've come to realise that I love her more than just a friend. She got a boyfriend six months ago and everytime she mentions him I get ...

We hardly get to spend any time together...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - I'm 18 and my boyfriend and i rarely go anywhere. We used to work together so i was all right with it because i got to talk to him and he would take me home and pick me up everyday. But i got laid off and he didn't. now he works 5 days a week an...

I would do anything to save her or let her love me...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5014 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - So thank you for reading my problem and all advice would be extremely helpful. So in the beginning of october I was dating a sophomore(HS) and im a junior(HS) but things just werent working out and i dropped all interest in this girl and just let ...

How do I tell my dad I'm bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Okay, I'm 16 and for all my life I can remember my dad taking the mick out of gay people and telling me that it is wrong. How it is against nature and shouldn't be done. But now I am older I am bi. I have been for a long time but just don't know ...

Is this crush on my teacher normal???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - My teacher is incredibly handsome, funny everything I've ever looked for in a guy. But... I'm a student and it's clearly illegal to do anything. I fantasize about him and I can't think right when he talks to me.My class isn't a very big class and I ...

His parents believe in no sex before marriage!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4986 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - hi, recently lost my virginity to my boyfriend! We've been going out for about 6 months and we felt we were ready. He and i were virgins at the time. But a few days after i found out from a friend that his mum and dad are very religious people and ...

I wanna get out of the friend zone?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - Ive known this girl for almost 4 years and we have been best friends since the day we met. I have always had feelings for her and i want to get out the friend zone and make her mine. She recently called me and asked me if i would take her out on her ...

What if you do not find your boyfriend attractive anymore?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - I'm 18 and I don't know whats wrong with me I just do not find my boyfriend attractive anymore. And I don't want to break his heart because he loves me very much. And he's starting to realize it because I've been moody and distant. ...

I'm extremely shy, so how do I talk to this guy?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Ok. There's this guy that works at the grocery store near my house that I find constantly looking at me whenever I'm shopping there. I don't know anything about him, but I do know that I find myself extremely attracted to him, and I'm almost ...

Snogging Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5013 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Hey :) I'm 13 and I love my boyfriend alot ((: Trouble is, he wants to snog me! I really want to but I don't want to fail at it. :/ Any tips? Also I wanna go further with him but not as far as sex. how do I tell him? ...

How do you choose between two guys that are a little alike?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5013 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - How do you choose between two guys that are a little alike? I'm dating one of then but I'm really falling in love with the other guy as well. The guy I'm dating hardly has any time for me and the other guy would have a lot more time for me. The ...

Why did he want to know if I was a virgin?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4997 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - I met this guy who is in the same program as me in my university He is really nice and always gives me advice. I like him and I think he likes me too, because he tells me why a nice girl like me doesn't have a boyfriend. we text each other ...

Should I give up hope of him ever liking me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - There is this guy at school who I've liked, but I'm not the only one by any means. They are all much more popular than me too. Should I just give up all hope of ever being with him? I mean I don't really ever get a chance to talk to him in person, ...

What can this itching be?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5014 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - the outer area of my vaginal hole(?) it itches so bad could this be a sign of a yeast infection. please help cause i dont want to tell my mom and go to the doctor and it be nothin cause that would be embarrising....

How can I look hot and sexy when people keep mistaking me for a cute little girl?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - This is probably kinda shallow but i'm having a hard time trying to be sexy. People older than me tell me i'm a pretty girl but i always think they're lying. the thing is i wanna be sexy or hot and i'm more cute in a little girl way. i have a small ...

I want a boyfriend too!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - i am a 14 year old girl and my best friend always has a boyfriend and i dont always want one but then i do and i just dont know what to do plz help :)...

My ex won't leave my head!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5014 days ago

28 December 2010 (? - I've been with my boyfriend for about a year now but i cant seem to get over my ex boyfriend(lets say A is his name). well A and i try to stay away from each other cause as long as we are together we both wanna be in each others arms, but i have ...

Is it legal for me to live with my stepdad?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (? - i am in a bit of a tricky situation i have a problem. My mum and stepdad are divorced but i want to live wiht my stepdad... is that legal can i choose were i want to live? me and my mum do not get on i do not think she is fit to be a mother,...

Having girl troubles!!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - ahhhhh help i think i ran into an relathionship too fast. someone please tell me how to handle this. i dont want to hurt her she asked me out. idk what to do. i been stress out about not being in a relship but now i am i just dont know if i could ...

I'd never cheat, so why can't I stop thinking about the girl at work?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5014 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - Hi, i've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for nearly a year now and i am happy and so is she. I recently got a job that involves working with the opposite sex which she isn't bothered about. But recently me and this girl who i work with ...

She basically did everything possible that hurt me.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5014 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - I have a question about an ex girlfriend. we met during our freshmen year in high school and went out for 3 years. i thought all throughout everything was good with the exception of a few arguments throughout the way but doesnt every couple argue ...

How much should I drink for my age and height?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - New Year is coming up and my crush is trying to find someone who is having a party so we can both go together! It sounds fun but I havn't actually been to a proper party before with like alcohol and stuff cos I don't normally get invited and I've ...

How can I trust someone again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5000 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - My last relationship with a guy was 2 years ago. I loved being around him and you know I felt something when I was around him, that fuzzy feeling. Well I broke up with him because he wanted sex and I was definitly too young. Now I'm ready to date ...

I feel really intimidated by a girl I'm attracted to

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - I've fallen for this girl I met in the first week of class this fall (I'm 18, she's 19, we're both in college) but she seems so far out of my league. I don't know what I should do now, should I just give up? I feel like there's no way a girl like ...

How do I talk to her and tell her I like her?

No replies yet: Be the first to answer!

28 December 2010 (M - Hi friends iam a 16 year boy i just want to know that i have a girl in my class and i like her very much. Whenever she saw me in the class i passes away the smile to her and she also sometimes replies by smiling. Problem is that i dont have the cour...

How can we get back to being BF and GF again?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4971 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - I like a boy a lot but i pushed him away and started calling him "brother" or "Browdy" and he started calling me sister and i hate it because i love him and i have loved him since 2008 and i dont like it when he calls me sister because to me it ...

I'm 18 and never been in a relationship, so how do I tell if she likes me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - Hi, used to see dis girl in the church, any time we were in the service we normally stare at each, i really like dis girl, but i don't whether she feel d same i'm. The problem is that i have never been into a relatioship before. I'm 18....

I might be pregnant, and I'm 14!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Hi, im Maria and im from utah, and im 14 almost 15 years old, and i think i might be pregnant. I don no what i should do only 3 people no that i might be pregnant there all my best friends, i told my boyfriend(well ex boyfriend now) that i might be ...

Is he interested in me? Her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5000 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - the other day my brother went on a roadtrip, he'll be gone for a week. his friend (who I am really in to) came to say bye and what not. as his buddy (A) was leaving a friend told him that he could still come over and hang out with me, teach me to ...

Is this how an orgasm is supposed to feel?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Okay, i just wanted to know what exactly an orgasm is. I'm a virgin, but i have fingered myself before. In the act, there is a point where my body basically goes numb. I feel my muscles tighten and my clit open and close. It's like i lose complete...

Can't stop looking at porn and masturbating. Is this healthy for a 14-year-old girl?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4989 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - I'm a 14 year old girl. I recently looked up porn and started to masturbate. I know I'm young but since the first time I can't stop. I feel bad or dirty after. I do but i can't stop... Is this healthy?? Does it mean I'm a sex addict?? Even if...

At 16, should I have already started having relationships?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

28 December 2010 (M - i am a 16 year old guy and i have never had any type of relationship with a girl. i haven't even kissed one and most of my friends have already, well you know. is this normal or should i hurry it up?...

Is this really an orgasm?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5016 days ago

28 December 2010 (F - Ok im a 18 year old female I lost my virginity at 17 going 18 bit before then I would finger myself and had my boyfriend do it also and its like my whole body gets a really great feeling like I get all warm inside my stomach clit and pussy muscles ...

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