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Archived questions from: 22 February, 2011 (see latest in Sex category)

(More questions from February, 2011)

Sex: Help and advice

I'm getting married soon but I can't stand looking at a naked man

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4958 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - i get freaked out when i think about sex.... it might sound awful, i cannot stand a naked man, it freaks me out.... am not a lesbian,,,,,,,,help i will be getting married soon and its a big problem for me..... i don't want to mess up...

My boyfriend no longer helps me clean house and he's lost his sex drive. Help!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4958 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I just don't know where to begin…Okay I have been with my boyfriend almost 1 year. I do love him and I know he loves me. But is that enough? He lived with me for a while, but we decided it was best not to live together. I have 4 kids, and I was ma...

Why can't my bf give me an orgasm?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4957 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Hey aunts and uncles, I've been with my bf for almost a year now. He has not been able to make me have an orgasm. He expressed it to me that he feels so sad that he can't do that. I've made him cum quite often, but sometimes he used his hand to...

The perils of a blind trust.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - When I met my boyfriend online in August 2010, what we found out about each other was that we were both Christians seeking a committed partner and shared a lot in common. Though we had differing views sexwise (i did not believe in pre-marital sex ...

Do I just tell him I want to wait for my birthday to have sex??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Hey guys, me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year now. I am 15 almost 16 and he is already 16, he suggested us having sex, I was quite weary as to do it or not, this is because i weigh quite a lot and have very large breasts that ...

Any couples who have the type of relationship as we and succeeded?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4954 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - I am a gay man who just turned 40 years old. I have known my lover since he was 17. He is now 21. We are artists and collaborate on large scale paintings. I initiate ideas for a photo shoot and he models for the photos. Then we blow up the photos on ...

Why does my partner lose his erection during intercourse without ejaculating?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - My partner loses his erection during intercourse without ejaculating? Why? I did not have a this problem with my previous partner! ...

He left me for another woman while I was pregnant. I need advice. Has this happened to others?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4934 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I feel like am going through an emotional hell just now and any advice would be welcome. I am 20 weeks pregnant and my ex broke up with me just when we found out. To cut a long story short, we have had a very close friendship for over a year. We...

Sex has never happened for me and I'm worried I will end up an old maid!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Looking for some advice; I'm a 23 year old female, and I've never had sex. It's not a question or beliefs, or prudishness- it's just not something that ever happened. In highschool and university I hung out mainly with other girls, and I never ...

Is he cheating because he doesn't want sex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Hey, I really want my boyfriend to have relaxed sex but hes always too serious! He goes for about 2 minutes and then says stop being childish, I have to get rest. I'm thinking of breaking up with him because hes been not wanting to have sex, ...

How do you make yourself last longer?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - my girlfried gets mad at me whenever i cum quik and it kinda make feel so diverstated. Pls, how can i make myself last longer when making love? Thanks ...

3 times we've had oral sex but he's only cum once. Is that normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - me and this guy have been dating 3 times we both are virgins.but we did oral sex....what matters me is that when we do this he masturbates only once. is it normal that he did ejaculate once out of 3 times having oral sex and holding each other ...

He's quite shy and I prefer the man to make the first move?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I've started seeing a boy, but we're not going out... yet. He's quite shy and I always prefer to let the man make the first move, which means that our relationship isn't really progressing. I do want to be with him but I'm not too sure what to do ...

I want to wait for the right one, afterwards, will there be any changes in my body?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - I am a 19 year virgin boy . I am University student .I believe that I should lose my virginity to the girl who I will LOVE . IS it right . I have not find my love girl yet . Also tell me if there are any body changes in boys after first time having ...

Should I end it with my long term lover(A), despite his objections, so I can be with (B)?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I've been in a relationship for the past 5 years with (A). There's always fights and no understanding between us. It was a type of compromise. Even though we were planning to get married. A few months back one of my close friends (B) suggested a ...

Girlfriend says she can't perform oral sex because she has a sore throat! For 12 months???

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4957 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - Hi - I have been with my girlfriend for about 2 yrs. However, during foreplay (or anytime) she will not perform oral sex on me. She has done on a handful of occasions in the past, and I perform oral sex on her regularly because she enjoys it, just ...

I satisfy my husband, but he doesn't satisfy me

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4957 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Is it fair that I always do oral sex to my husband until he gets to the climax without even asking if I want him to do it to me too or have the real sex either. I don't directly ask him to do it because I feel like he should have known it as a ...

I want to talk to my mother about going on birth control pills. How do I ask her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4960 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I'll be turning 17 in just over a month, and I've stayed a virgin for the fact that I'm waiting for the right guy. The older I get, the more difficult I find it to keep my virginity. So, I'd much rather be safe than sorry if anything were to end up ...

What do you do when a guy only wants you for sex?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4957 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - hi this is my first time on here, what do you do when a guy only wants you for sex, and leads you on and plays games with your head. idk i think there should be an explanation for this, but im not sure any ideas or opinions???...

Does the wife have someone else?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4956 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - A guy I know talked to me the other day about his relashonship. He said that his wife hasn't slept in the same bed with for six months. He said he hsan't had sex for 2 months. They can't talk to each other. My girlfriend says she thinks that his ...

Getting over forbidden fantasies?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4960 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I am married. My relationship with my husband is comfortable. Almost too comfortable. We only have sexual contact a couple times a year. We never fight about anything and have a very strong platonic relationship. People who don't know us think ...

He's saying sex will make our relationship stronger, but something about his words doesn't sound right

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - Hello, I've recently got together with a good friend who is a bit of a geek and has always seemed a innocent fridgit. He says he wants to have sex but I don't know whether this is him competing with my ex or trying to prove he's not a little ...

Is it possible to turn retroactive jealousy into a turn-on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - I'm yet another guy struggling with my girlfriend's past. Please try to bear with me. I couldn't get to sleep a few weeks ago when I was at her house, so went to use her computer to surf the net for awhile. I noticed she had not logged out of he...

He said C*** during sex! Should I be bothered?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4960 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - me and my boyfriend hav just celebrated our 6 month anniversary and are very much in love, and he is also the sweetest guy ive met. Last night while we were having very intense sex after drinking a bit, he said the c word. Now he didnt call Me ...

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