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Why cant I get the girl I want?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 August 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 1 August 2011)
A male United States age 26-29, *tsuckstobeme writes:

Why can't I get the girl I've been talking to for a while? I know I'm 13 but at the moment it feels like I'm not doing anything right in my social life, I feel like I'm a screw up. Lately I really liked this girl and I don't think she likes me I'm funny I'm caring I take risks and I give a lot of advice to people yet I can't give myself any. Please help me I would really appreciate it.

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A female reader, VSAddict United States +, writes (1 August 2011):

VSAddict agony auntMaybe she takes you as being really friendly and doesn't know what you really want. Or maybe she doesn't like you. But the only way you're going to know is if you tell her how you feel and ask her how she feels about you. Be honest with her. And if she doesn't like you, then you can at least say you tried.

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A male reader, GoodDog United Kingdom +, writes (1 August 2011):

GoodDog agony auntDoes she know you like her? Have you told her or made any hints to show you are interested? She might not even realise that you like her!!

Why not try asking her if she would like to join you for a trip to the pictures, go to the park or a local event together? Nothing too heavy at first, but something you can both enjoy while spending time together. Even if it's just for a coffee or whatever it is you like to do.

If you show you are genuine and not messing her around, she might be flattered and take you up on your offer. If she says no then at least you gave it a shot.

Go for it - you never know!

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