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When is too soon to say "I love you" ?

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Question - (9 December 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 10 December 2007)
A female United States age 36-40, *ONNA85 writes:

when is too soon to say "i love you"???

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A female reader, sweetheart22 Canada +, writes (10 December 2007):

I think whenever you are sure that you love the person then that is when you can say it.

If you arn't sure if you love them, then don't say it.

Love takes time so if you have only been in a relationship for a couple weeks you probably don't know them enough to love them (that may vary).

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 December 2007):

The first few weeks. I think after 8 weeks you have a fair idea if you love the person, but never just say it because the other person has, you have to mean it.

take care


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A female reader, Crisy United Kingdom +, writes (9 December 2007):

Crisy agony auntIts never too soon to say 'I love you' as long as your 100% sure you mean it.

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A female reader, bellachic385 +, writes (9 December 2007):

bellachic385 agony auntA few weeks in.

Generally wait until you are ready, when you really mean it.

That is something that takes time and can't be said as a substitute for likeing them.

It will be worth the wait.

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A male reader, Jamer70 United Kingdom +, writes (9 December 2007):

Jamer70 agony auntwhen you dont mean it

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