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What is this white stuff?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 September 2006) 5 Answers - (Newest, 19 September 2006)
A female , *racie lou writes:

hello, i was just wondering if anyone knows what this white stuff is that i find in my underwear sometimes. its like a paste almost and some days there's more than others. thankyou!

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (19 September 2006):

bonym agony auntIf it does not smell of a strong pungent smell, then it sounds like normal discharge to me. Try not to use harsh soaps when washing, use a mild soap otherwise you risk getting thrush. All the best. xXx

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2006):

is it a discharge abit like cottage cheeze

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A female reader, Jadzia1127 United States +, writes (19 September 2006):

Jadzia1127 agony aunt I am assuming your young, and your mother hasn't talked to you about your body yet. Girls are becoming young women so fast that it is hard for many mothers to gage when to talk to their daughters, so don't blame her for not talking to you sooner.

Here are the most likely reasons:

1. If you haven't gotten your periods yet then your experiencing your body cleaning itself out, getting you ready for your period.

This is simple to take care of, wash yourself with water and get panty liners to catch the discharge.

2. If your period has already started then it might be a yeast infection. Sometimes it includes a strong smell of yeast, intense itching, burning sensation, and can look thick to clumpy.

The best solution is to make an appointment with your doctor and get a medical opinion on your options.

I do hope this helps. Good Luck!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2006):

It's just your normal discharge, and the only time to worry is if it smells bad, itches or goes a different colour - that means you probably have an infection, which is easily treated by your GP.

You can get little pads from the chemist or supermarket, to protect your underwear.

You will get more or less, depending on where you are in your cycle and whether you are ovulating or not.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2006):

It's likely to be discharge. There's nothing to worry about unless it really smells and then you're likely to have an infection


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