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What is my next move with this girl?

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Question - (13 July 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 13 July 2008)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Hi i met this girl last saturday through a friend, she stayed in my house that night, we didnt do anything, just kissing, holding hands etc,she seemed to really like me, the follow day we were txting, then she stopped and ive txt her once or twice but she never txts me first, question is, what do i do next, i would like to see her again, and i think she may feel the same, what do i do?

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A female reader, kurlyq2121 United States +, writes (13 July 2008):

kurlyq2121 agony auntI'm the same way, I never text the guy first in fear they are busy. So just hang in there you never know what will happen.

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A female reader, getsomg United States +, writes (13 July 2008):

getsomg agony aunti dont think she like you as much as you like her, but there is some possible connection between you two. or she might as well try and please her friend by kissing you that saturday. call and have a real talk with her and see how she feels if you guys go into a real relatioship. guesses, and imaginations won't help at all. do something before she is being swap by some other guys or before you waste your time waiting on a girl who never really like you. communication is the key to a relationship if there is none then all you feel is lust.

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