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What do you do when you get into a fight with someone special to you and you have tried almost everyting?

Tagged as: Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 September 2010) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

What do you do when you get into a fight with someone special to you and you have tried almost everyting? I have asked with question to many people. And I have gotten many answers, and they were good answers. After a month I talked to him a little bit about the fight. Everything was going fine until I asked him about how he felt about what happened. I got so mad at me, I just wish I knew how he felt. Before I went to bed last night I said I was sorry hundreds of times. He said to me "Its not you, I'm just done with everyone, just leave me alone." I wrote him ack and it was like my heart was controling everything I said.I said that I loved him and that he was special to me. That I didn't lose him and I didn't want to say goodbye. For I remember the good moments we had, the first time I hug him. He was so warm with love. I first time I've told the 1st of many secrets. And the moment when he kissed me the last day of school, even though we were just friends. I'm very stubborn and don't want to give up on him. Before I met him he was once thought of killing himself, that was a couple of years ago. But i'm so worried about him now. Part of me is so mad that he's giving up on his friends....and then there's the other part that just wants to hold him and never him go, and to try to help him. even if he's "done" with me. I feel like all of this is my fault, I feel like I am the one to blame, I feel like I started this, And I hate myself for it. What should I do leave him alone? Or reach out to him? What should I do?

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