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Should I tell my ex sorry? Conflicting feelins

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Question - (2 October 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My ex did some hurtful things leading upto the break up and more so after. We were both immature and perhaps both had depression back then.

A couple years later she apologized for how she treated me and I snapped and went on a rant, it honestly triggered an almost trauma for me. I said some very targeted things about her insecurities.

I miss her as a person, at the time she was my best friend but her behaviour was inexcusable and I regret how I allowed her to get me. She would pick fights and I would try remove myself before I snap.

I have tried to send a msg asking how she is doing many years later but she left my last msg unread. I know before this msg she has been hit and miss with. Block and unblock over the years. Im sure i caused her pain with what I said all those years ago.

I know this sounds bad but should I say sorry even if I am not? Should I say sorry even if I am pushed to breaking point? I do regret allowing her to get to me.

I usually say sorry when I mess up but in this instance I feel like I did the best I could and therefore not sorry although I did do the wrong thing.

View related questions: best friend, immature, my ex

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