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How do I get what I want?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 September 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I've never had oral sex with my partner or any female so far I'm in my 30s and I like to experience this. I've in the past got desperate and me and my friend (m) done the act well I did the blowjob to him years ago and it was ok given it but in return didn't get no blowjob back just a handjob. 3 years same friend done it again but this time tried my first cum swallowing and I enjoyed it but I still prefer and attracted to women. But I have one male mate who wants to give me my first blowjob and I give him one in return what should I do? I'm in a relationship but she won't give me a blowjob. I never pressure any woman to do anything they don't want too.

View related questions: blow-job, hand-job, oral sex, swallow

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