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She needs space to 'miss' me?? Does she not love me anymore?

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Question - (16 November 2006) 5 Answers - (Newest, 6 January 2008)
A male United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

My Girlfriend Need Space To Herself To Miss Me What does this mean?

does she not love me no more?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (6 January 2008):

I need space means it's over. Every time.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (3 January 2007):

I'm in the same situation at the moment,i was a single parent and met a wonderful guy 4 years ago,but after him giving up work for health reasons 3 years ago,i feel so suffocated in the relationship,i really wish that we weren't living together so that i could once again have some "ME" time.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (16 November 2006):

Maybe she's just so used to being with you she's starting to take the relationship for granted, and wants to remind herself of how much you mean to her and how lucky she is to have you.

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A female reader, Bev Conolly Australia +, writes (16 November 2006):

Bev Conolly agony auntI'd interpret this to mean that she thinks you've been together too much lately, and she's feeling suffocated.

Good relationships allow each person a certain level of independence, as well as being part of a couple. It's easy for a person who is used to having a lot of time to herself to feel smothered by too much attention.

So, even though you love her and want to be with her as much as possible, it's important to understand that you need to give her time to herself too.

The irony is that in wanting all of her company, all the time, you can actually make her want to get away from you, because she doesn't want as much attention as you want to give.

So don't be frightened that "it's over". Back off for a bit, let her have some time away, and remember that all relationships that are worthwhile require small adjustments from both parties.

Let your girlfriend know that you want her to be happy, and that you'll busy yourself with other things for a while. Ask her to ring or text you when she's ready to do something together. Then be patient. You can't force someone to stay with you by holding onto them. But you can make your company more attractive, by not overdoing it.


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A female reader, vina_101 United Kingdom +, writes (16 November 2006):

vina_101 agony auntYeah I think she still does love you but maybe you guys have beeen spending a bit too much time together lately and she just wants some 'me time' to herself. It's not because she's gone off you or anything. She probably still appreciates you and loves being in your company but she just wants a little space for a little while. Think of it this way...lets say your favourite food is chocolate cake. If you had it everyday it wouldn't be your favourite anymore. But if you only have it from time to time you miss it and when you eat it again you appreciate it more. The pleasure from it doesn't wear off and it will still be your favourite.

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