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Our sex life is poor, he's selfish and I keep finding porn... What now?

Tagged as: Pornography, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 December 2006) 9 Answers - (Newest, 15 December 2006)
A female age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I keep findin porn hidden in my bf's stuff, he says he's stopped using it, but I don't believe him seeing as I get rid of it and them more suddenly appears. Our sex life is poor and rare. I have to initiate and he's extremely selfish he pleases himself. I hate porn and I think men watching other men having sex is sick. What shall I do???

View related questions: porn, sex life

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 December 2006):

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I think I'll try the last suggestion, because the fact that I'm throwing the porn away is irrelevent. I confront him, he says he dosn't watch it and that I can throw it away, but then he gets more. (It's all copies so he doesn't pay for it just gets it off friends).Some of it has been women on women,but what type of porn it is doesn't matter I still hate it and think MEN in general are weird for watching it.

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A female reader, TELLULAH United Kingdom +, writes (15 December 2006):

TELLULAH agony auntYou are obviously having trouble dealing with all this, and that is no joke. Its strange what some men like to look at, but we all have different tastes. My partner cannot understand my obsession with buying shoes, (to me they are as good as sex, well almost, and they last longer). Cant you try to see the funny side of this, and just let him look. Maybe he will get bored with looking, and even if he dosnt is it really doing any harm.

Only you know if its worth saving your relationship, but from what you have said before, im not sure its worth it. You do seem to be backtracking, which suggest's to me, you will put up with it anyway.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2006):

Can you compromise on women on women porn?

How about agreeing that neither of you should be throwing out the other's possessions? And moving the porn to another location- would that be sufficent for you?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2006):

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We live together and the stuff wasn't hidden that well he's got a crate in his wardrobe which has got all of our business paperwork in and when I said 'I hate porn and I think men watching other men having sex is sick' I meant all men that watch porn. same with the dwarf stuff. Does anyone have any ideas how I can try and stop this. I'd rather try to put it right first before leaving

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2006):

Umm aside from gay porn, dwarf women, and possibly animals as well, I think the signs in this relationship all point towards the exit. Though mind you, you've only told us about your problems with him and not his problems with you. Gotta put things into perspective you know? Especially with threads that seems a bit uneven in details... 8]

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2006):

You are going through your bf's stuff and throwing out his things?!!

I think you both need to call it a day and move on.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2006):

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I didn't mean men on men I just meant men having sex with women, dwarf women etc

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (14 December 2006):

eyeswideopen agony auntIf he enjoys watching men with men porn then I'd definitely figure on his being gay and walk. Doesn't sound like you'd be leaving much behind anyway. Good luck.

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A female reader, TELLULAH United Kingdom +, writes (14 December 2006):

TELLULAH agony auntHi there,

You are not going to stop him, and as you think he is selfish why are you with him. It could be he has a low sex drive and is nothing to do with porn.

I realise that it upsets a lot of women, knowing there other half looks at porn. I used to be one of them.

You say he is watching men having sex with other men, or did i mistake reading your question. If this is the case, I hate to say this but is there any chance he could be gay.

I am sorry if i am wrong, but i have a few gay friends and i know how hard it was for them to admit this.

You cant rid the world of everything you disagree with, but you can get another boyfriend.

I hope you find the right person for you, i dont think this is the right one.

Be happy, get someone who deserves you XX

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