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My boyfriend is going out with my best friend as revenge on me

Tagged as: Breaking up, Cheating, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 July 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 July 2007)
A female Zimbabwe age 30-35, *ejoice writes:

i have found out that my boyfriend is going out with my best friend and they have now two weeks.i asked him why. he said he want to revenge because i once go out with his best friend first but he was the first one to ask me out. i realize it later that i was not in love with his friend but him. nowadays he is avoiding me and my calls. what should i do? i dont wanna lose this guy because he is the only one that i have. should i tell my friend that i was going out with this guy because i never told her about me and him? or just leave it like that. i dont know what to do anymore. i dont wanna lose him and im willingly to do anything to change his mind. what should i do?

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A female reader, O Connor Ireland +, writes (26 July 2007):

O Connor agony auntwat he is doing to her and to you is very cruel and immature. you need to tell him this as she also needs to know - she may be falling for him not knowing that her relationship with him is practiaclly a sham. talk to him and tell him that you were never in love with his friend and you never meant it to hurt him, and also that he needs to talk to your friend and explain that its not fair on her. to be honest i dont think this guy is worth your time as he is playing games with you and your friend. i think that you should forget him and find someone that is more mature and respectful of people's feelings. sorry to be so harsh but i think you deserve better. hope this helps email if you wanna talk xxx

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