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It hurts my feelings that he ogles big busted women! Should I just move on?

Tagged as: Dating, Faded love, Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 February 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 26 February 2007)
A female Canada age , anonymous writes:

My present lover and I have been together for over a year and a half. We get along petty good, until it comes to sex. Soon after we first got together, I found he had been viewing bare chested woman with big breasts on the internet when I was not around. My breasts are small. Even after a year, one day we went to the beach and he ogled a chesty woman who was running around on the beach. I have reason to believe he jerked off at the thought of this woman in the bathroom of the restaurant where we ate that day. That night he wanted me to 'just go to sleep' when I was in the 'mood'. I have heard him jerking off in the bathroom at home right after he has told me he wasn't in the mood. When I try to talk about it, openly and honestly, he brushes me off or says I am the one who was interested in the other woman. He plays peep-eye with other women right in front of me. It really hurts my feelings, but I am beginning to suspect he is aroused by MY jealousy. Is he trying to get ME to be the one to break things off? Am I being a big fool to keep this guy around?

Dazed and Confuzed

View related questions: breasts, in the mood, jealous, move on, the internet

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A male reader, fallenman United Kingdom +, writes (26 February 2007):

fallenman agony auntHis behavior indicates that his sexual fantasies are strong in his conscious mind and that it hots up his sexual desires.

Now this may or may not indicate a lack of commitment or fidelity. In general what men love and what men desire or not allows related to one another.

Masturbation is normal but not always appropriate in a sexually active relationship, I suggest that you check out if the size of your breasts are his only hang up.

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A male reader, fallenman United Kingdom +, writes (26 February 2007):

fallenman agony auntHis behavior indicates that his sexual fantasies are strong in his conscious mind and that it hots up his sexual desires.

Now this may or may not indicate a lack of commitment or fidelity. In general what men love and what men desire or not allows related to one another.

Masturbation is normal but not always appropriate in a sexually active relationship, I suggest that you check out if the size of your breasts are his only hang up.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 February 2007):

Tell me, what do you do if you are unhappy about something in a relationship, you mention it to your partner but they brush it off and do nothing to fix thing?

You either change your behaviour so it doesn't bother you, or the problem escalates and you become even more unhappy. This unhappiness turns to resentment and eventually you start to break the relationship.

I don't think you should copy his behaviour to try and make him feel how you feel. You never treat people in ways that people have badly treated you.

Instead, you address the problems with him again, making it known that it is more than a casual dislike. If it's still a problem - perhaps this guy is not for you? You have an idea of how a man should show he loves a women. Is this man meeting this idea?

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A female reader, BEEN THERE DONE IT United Kingdom +, writes (26 February 2007):

BEEN THERE DONE IT agony auntHi honey,

All guys are either breast men, legs men (what ever), there is nothing wrong in this as us girlies don't mind a quick peak do we?

But when it is done infront of you quiet obviously and it hurts your feelings and he won't listen then it becomes a problem.......if he won't listen to you and try to understand it is making you feel inadequate about the size of your breats then he really isn't being sensitive towards you. More than one handful is a waste anyway hun so you be proud of what you got at least when your older yours won't sage to ya kness lol....

Maybe you should play him at his own game give a few stares at some fit guys arses make noises like corrrrrrrrr what a fit arse he has.....ha ha ha

Try to let him know how you feel first though if he is stubborn then two can play that game xxxxx

Good luck babes and let me know how you get on xxxx

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