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Is there something wrong with how this teacher treats me?

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Question - (15 November 2014) 1 Answers - (Newest, 16 November 2014)
A female United States age 22-25, *issPerfectionist writes:

Im a 14 yo girl in highschool. I have a male geometry teacher that stares at me every time i walk near or when im in his class. Plenty of my friends and students in the classroom have noticed that he always stares at me.For example, as i walk towards the classroom he'll stare straight at me and when i look at him hes always making eye contact.I sit right in front of his desk, and he always sits beside my desk.And as he's teaching he'll always look at me.Could i just be crazy, or is there somesomething wrong on his end???

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A female reader, sperez1902 United States +, writes (16 November 2014):

sperez1902 agony auntI wouldn't worry about it for right now, let him look. Just report him if it goes beyond that.but DONT let him touch you if he does report him ASAP.

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