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Is it ok to press charges on my ex if he keeps calling and texting?

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 January 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 23 January 2011)
A female United States age 36-40, *rcdlhaml27 writes:

I broke up with him a week ago and every two days so far, he text me saying that he wants to talk private and keeps asking what he did wrong--I said i was simply was miserable in the relationship and I'm all wrong for him.  I don't get it; I thought he moved on like I did.  I did talk to him so that he'll stop bothering me.  I don't have a feature on my phone that blocks his #.  He said some stuff about wanting to die; kill himself, and how a friend of his accused me of sleeping with my best friend that is a guy.  Now that is totally false; I'm way more mature than that.  Also he said i need to figure out something soon--yeah and that is I'm moving on and don't want to seem or talk 2 him again.  I told my ex good luck with life and that he needs to take care of himself and he said he doesn't know if he can do that--he's doing this to win me back which won't work.  For now on I won't answer his text and calls. I wilpithy my phone on silent. If he does keep calling, texting can I press charges for harassment?

View related questions: best friend, broke up, my ex, text

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A female reader, petina1 United Kingdom +, writes (23 January 2011):

petina1 agony auntChange your phone number. Or if he doesnt stop phoning you can get on to the phone company for them to block his calls. yes you can make an official complaint to the police dept. and you can get an injunction on him not to come within so many yards of your home or you. Let them know this guy is harrassing you and you are afraid of him. Before you do all this of course you could tell him you are planning to do this and maybe he might get the message and back off.

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