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I was so mad to see her laughing and talking with somebody else, I punched a door!

Tagged as: Crushes, Friends, Teenage, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 July 2012) 2 Answers - (Newest, 28 July 2012)
A male Philippines age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hi everyone,

Ok. So I have two problems. Hope you can help me...

1) See I'm a natural flirter, I don't mean to brag but I can make a girl smitten by me in a couple of seconds,not literally but you get the point. But when it comes to my crush. I'm not that confident, I always get tongue-tied and always feels embarassed. It's like I don't know how to flirt anymore. So, Is there something wrong with me.?? What should I do to remove that feeling, so that I can talk to her comfortably? I can only talk to her comfortably at text or call...

2) So here's my biggest problem. Last month, I've confessed my feelings to her but just in text. But she's very focused at school that she said she will not have a bf until she finishes college. Wow, that sucks. Recently a friend of mine borrowed my phone he said that he would just send some songs to his phone but minutes later I found him and her(my crush) reading this girl's texts to me saying i love you and other stuff like that. I just met her in FB and she's really love strucked. I think that my friend purposely did that because he also likes her. A day later, at school her attitude change completely toward me. She only talks to me when she needs something for our theses or projects. When in science projects she won't even team up with me. So a friend of mine told me that that also happened to him. But recently I saw her with him talking to each other, him stroking her hair and both oh them laughing together, I'm so furious I punched a door near me. Fortunately no one heard it because they were busy talking. Other time when she's talking to my other friend she's saying I hate you to him in a playful voice she also holds his arms and their laughing loudly, like she wants me to hear them laughing. That's flirting right? Does that mean she likes me? B'coz when she read those mushy text she completely changed. Is she trying to make me jealous or she really hates me. Is it a wise move to just ignore her.?? What should I do to repair our relationship.???

Sorry if it's too long. But thanks in advance :-/

View related questions: crush, flirt, I love you, jealous, text

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A female reader, maverick494 United States +, writes (28 July 2012):

Sounds to me like she's not into you. She knows you like her but she chose to hook up with your friend. She's not trying to make you jealous, she's trying to show you she's not interested because she's too much of a coward to say it in your face. Let this girl go, she's not worth all this anger.

Speaking of which, you really need to learn to control yourself. Punching doors over a girl is immature. It shows you can't control your emotions and that's never a good thing. If you learn to keep yourself in line you'll be way better off in every social aspect. No-one likes people who throw toddler tantrums.

Also, be more picky about who you call your 'friend'. This guy doesn't seem nice at all.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 July 2012):

Wow, young love!

Well being that your pretty young I suggest that you don't freak out about it. You two have the rest of your lives for relationships. I understand young crushes or "puppy love" as some hate to call it, but that's exaxctly what this is.

Feelings can be really strong at a young age, but trust me you won't know true love until your much older. So, don't stress about it.

I highly doubt this girl will wait until she is done with "college" to have a bf. By the way you described it she seems like a young teenager already into boys like every other middle-highschool girl.

So, if she was flirting really loud and probably knew you were watching I believe she was trying to make you jealous.

Also your "FRIEND" who pretty much isn't a friend, due to the shady thing he did, will have karma.

If she isn't smart enough to figure out that your buddy backstabbed you then so be it, and maybe you wouldn't want a dumb girl like that. Just saying. Just focus on school girls will come and go and you have plenty of time for that. You don't want to end up on 16 and pregnant w a baby mama! lol

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