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I want my ex back, but I don't know if he wants me. Should I wait and see if he calls?

Tagged as: The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (31 July 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 5 August 2009)
A female United States age , *ennie10 writes:

I can't understand this. In the past with my ex I was always the one to go running back and get him to talk about what happened and it worked. But this time I am waiting on him. We had a great time the other night but it has been a few days and he hasn't called. Was he just playing a game with me acting out the part? He actually opened up and talked. To me he gave every indication he wanted to be back but now nothing. Do I let him have his space or just call him? I feel that he wants me to call but I don't want to chase him this time. I know if I call we will get together and we will go out and have a great time as usual. I never have played games, but should I this time and wait or just call? We had a great dinner the other night, kissed and I said oh you just want me for a booty call and he said no that is not it at all. But perhaps it was although I went home due to early schedule. I am so confused I just love him. With my other exes I knew when they wanted to see me they wanted me back for a relationship. Why do I think he is so different? Is because I love him and I am just acting wacky?

View related questions: booty call, hasn't called, my ex

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A female reader, Jennie10 United States +, writes (5 August 2009):

Jennie10 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Well I risked it and told him how i felt. I told him I was hurt to be with someone so romatically, dinner, talking, passionately love making, etc. And then not to hear from him. i told him i loved him and it hurt me too much and I was saying goodbye. I told him I could be friends. That was it and now 5 days have past and I have not heard from him. So i guess it is is over for good now. I do miss our friendship and very am very sad. but I guess if he cared and I was more than a booty call he would have called. Very upset.

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A female reader, Jennie10 United States +, writes (5 August 2009):

Jennie10 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Well I risked it and told him how i felt. I told him I was hurt to be with someone so romatically, dinner, talking, passionately love making, etc. And then not to hear from him. i told him i loved him and it hurt me too much and I was saying goodbye. I told him I could be friends. That was it and now 5 days have past and I have not heard from him. So i guess it is is over for good now. I do miss our friendship and very am very sad. but I guess if he cared and I was more than a booty call he would have called. Very upset.

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A male reader, timbo United States +, writes (31 July 2009):

What caused the breakup? In matters of the heart, you are always sticking your neck out which is a risk. If the b/up wasn't bad is getting back together an option? You might feel differently about him as compared to the other ex's cause with him it was real love. I suggest you risk it and let him know your true feelings, true desires, let all the truth out about him. At this point what have you got to lose. You won't have any more questions about it. good luck

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A female reader, kez411 United Kingdom +, writes (31 July 2009):

kez411 agony auntI broke up with my ex two months ago and i would give anything to see him again and for us to act normal around eachother but we cant so i think you are very lucky to still have chemisty with your ex so i think you should call him and hang out again because if he wasnt interested he would have moved on and wouldnt have met you.

everything happens for a reason and maybe this time its him wanting you too call to see how much u want him..

good luck xxx

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