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I told my mom we were in a relationship when we weren't. Now she wants to talk to him. Help!!!

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 November 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 10 November 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I made the mistake of saying that this guy and I were in a relationship when we're really just friends (with benefits, but my mom doesn't know that), and now my mom wants to talk to him!

He was really sweet about the whole thing and agreed to talk to her. But he thinks that my mom took things out of proportion. In reality, I called it a relationship when I told her about him. He thinks she came to that conclusion on her own and that he'll be able to ease her out of that mindset when he talks to her.

If he knew that I said that, things would probably be over between us unless I did some fancy talking to explain that I meant friendship or something when I said it.

There's a good chance that she might end up saying to him, in the process of talking to him, that I said we were in a relationship.

How do I cover my butt with him and explain beforehand that I said that?

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A male reader, ez4u2say United States +, writes (10 November 2008):

Tell him your Mother is very old fashioned and you were put on the spot. You did what you had to do and will he cover for you? Im sure he will understand.

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