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I still love I bi?

Tagged as: Friends, Gay relationships, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 August 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 24 August 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

So, i met this girl in 9th grade(im a junior now) and we instantly became good friends. She was always my shoulder to cry on. Not only that but we became physically close, she would always sit on my lap and always asked me to put my arms around her waist and hug her tight, she would hug me from behind, kiss me on my cheek,once on my mouth and when I would go to her house, she we would playfully cuddle under her blanket. She was talking to guys, and from what I knew she was straight and so was I.

Eventually I developed feelings, and the same month I was going to tell her I wanted her, she started going out with this guy. It broke my heart. And I havent been able to lose my feelings for her since and she's still with the same boy. I still want soo badly to tell her, and although shes REALLY understanding, I'm not sure if this secret will ruin our friendship! Till this day I still have thoughts of wanting to be with her..should I tell her how i've been feeling for 3 years, or keep it

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A male reader, rcn United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

rcn agony auntHow do you consider yourself? We can't answer the question of you are bi or not. Understand, especially with girls, their is a period where sexuality is developing, where girls experiment with other girls. It doesn't mean the feelings are false, they are real where you experience them, but it doesn't necessarily mean your bi either. You mentioned having feelings for this one girl. You didn't say that it's other girls or the female body, in general that you are attracted to. If not, then I don't think you are bi-sexual, but have special feelings for this friend, and you want to take it further exclusively with her. I'd say to not tell her while she's with this boyfriend, unless you two are chatting and the subject matter comes up that allows you to work it in. You don't want to ruin your friendship, but at the same time, who says it would be ruined. It's taking a gamble, and you need to decide if that gamble is right for you.

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