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I feel like i am being put in the back seat and being ignored. She says she still loves me but its hard when she chooses to work over hanging out with me. Should I move on or work at it?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 November 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 5 November 2006)
A male , *alikid87 writes:

My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year we are both 19 and we are both in college. I have two part time jobs I work about 20 hours a week and i am taking 15 units in college. My girlfriend had a part time job that she would work 35+ hours a week and she is also taking 18 units (with honors classes). Our sex life went from often to rarely now it is at a bare minimum meaning once a month if that. She had been promising to cut down her work hours because school and work were making her stressed out and thats why she would pass on any type of sexual actvities. In the past week she was offered a full time position at her retail store and she took it. I am lost and in awe of her decision. I feel like i am being put in the back seat and being ignored. She says she still loves me but its hard when she chooses to work over hanging out with me. Should I move on or work at it?

View related questions: move on, sex life

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A female reader, msel2304 +, writes (5 November 2006):

msel2304 agony auntDo you care about this girl? Do you love her? Obviously ou have strong feelings for her b/c your worried about losing her and your asking for advice. I am also 19 and I have the same problem only I am in the same situation as your girl. Only, my new job has me working early morning hours and I get out early but my b/f's as work. so by the time i do get to see him, we have less then an hour together and I have to go to sleep by 8p.m. And as for the weekends, I am so drained and stressed from school and my job that all I wanna do is sleep. Only I feel like when I do have time, like today for example, he should be over here asap to see me and instead hes out with his friend. I can see where both of you would be coming from. Don't give up on her. Once she gets a good grip on things, it will get better. Offer to help her get more organized and plan things out better. just be there for her shes clearly driven and focused on her life and mainly just trying to build one for herself. She says she still loves you, shes just living life right now. it sounds like you are being a little bit ignored but reassure her that your going to be there for her.

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