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Husband refuses to get rid of items that causing storage shortage

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Question - (5 June 2024) 7 Answers - (Newest, 10 June 2024)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:


2 years ago my husband and I bought a house and my MIL took it upon herself to bring all of his childhood stuff, approx 20 boxes and store them in the garage of our newly bought house. My husband has never understood why this upset me and still continues to upset me. My parents and I had to sort and organize the boxes so we could even have use of the garage because he wouldn’t. He refuses to put them in storage and to this day I’m fighting to find storage for our stuff for our house because of the amount of things she brought.

Should I simply get over it when we’re unable to bring things and store them in our garage because of the amount of boxes we’ll never get rid of?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 June 2024):

Sounds like your mother in law was fed up of storing all the stuff and had a clear out. Now he's got the space he can store it.

I don't know whether you think your stuff should take precedence over his but if he's a hoarder why not suggest the loft? Or you could try to each agree to part with something.

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A male reader, Myau New Zealand +, writes (8 June 2024):

Myau agony auntHow much of your things can you do without?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 June 2024):

You bought the house together so he is entitled to store stuff!

A little issue like this could become a huge issue the more you persist in making it an issue.

I think you are a little controlling in your demands.

It would be very annoying for him if you just 'loose a box 'here and there but spending money on plastic storage is a bonus.

If you buy things for the house then you should be able to place them in your home in their allocated space from purchase.

I think you are concerned that these boxes represent a part of his life that you have no control over.

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A male reader, Fatherly Advice United States +, writes (6 June 2024):

Fatherly Advice agony auntIt is very easy for someone on the outside to say all of that old stuff is trash. It is also easier to just store a box than to open it and say goodbye to the symbols of your memories.

Neither of these approaches is an efficient way to deal with clutter. Renting storage space to store things you don't use is expensive. I highly recommend one of Don Aslett's excellent books, for a better strategy and understanding of the problem.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (5 June 2024):

Honeypie agony auntI absolutely agree with this:

"Well, it's your husbands stuff, so why should your MIL be storing it for him?"

It's ABOUT time she got rid of HIS clutter!

Sit him down, tell him to minimize his stuff in the garage to (let's say) 10 boxes. If he wants to keep everything, he NEEDS to rent a storage space. Him saying "I refuse" is not how anyone negotiate.

Because if he keeps refusing sorting it and getting rid of what he ABSOLUTELY don't need/want - you can oooops lose a box a month! (just kidding) Maybe...

(Also if you have a Sam's card - I know they have some awesome sturdy storage boxes /black/with yellow lids - they stack really well and they are big - only about $9 each. So maybe he CAN even keep all of it if it's stored right.) If not, Walmart, Home Depot or any other big box store will probably have some great storage boxes to help organize it.

I spend $80 and got ALL my Christmas decorations stored in similar boxes. It used to take up the whole "storage room" and now it's two stack (4 boxes tall) in a corner. I can actually store all 4 bokes, the Christmas trees, a couple of generators (don't ask..) and so much more and my storage room is now neat and tide.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 June 2024):

I'm curious as to what exactly could be in those 20 boxes. Are you sure they're only childhood items? I'd bet there is a lot of tat and possibly collectable items in there. Either way, all unnecessary. The only people who are interested in keeping childhood items are parents and if they don't want them then why would he?

It's your house and you are entitled to a say in this. Give your hubbie a warning, either he goes through the boxes and dwindles it down to 1 or two or they will all be binned. If he fails to do so then i'm not telling you to bin the lot but certianly sell what you can (clothes, toys etc), bin any garbage. Keep any proceeds to yourself, afterall, he has washed his hands of the items.

He's had his chance and you are within your right to use the space you are paying for.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 June 2024):

Well, it's your husbands stuff, so why should your MIL be storing it for him? Your husband needs to sort through it and chuck some stuff away. That's said, throwing away childhood memories will be very emotionally challenging for him and he probably needs your support and encouragement to be able to do it. Maybe sell him the 'vision' of how amazing the garage will look once its cleared? You could suggest he tackles 1 box a day for the next couple of weeks and reward him after he has completed each box?

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