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How do I get him to cum on me?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 November 2008) 8 Answers - (Newest, 18 November 2008)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Is it wierd for a girl my age (18) to be thinking about her bf "finishing on her"?.... lately I've been thinking about this A LOT after I gave him head, the first time he wanted to cum in privacy and I didn't think of it much but now I really want him to do it on me, is this just a phase? fantasy? ughh should I just talk to him about it? and see if he would be up to it

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 November 2008):

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hmm i guess he doesnt wanna gross me out but im gonna ask him next time hearing all of your thoughts *most men would love it* so why not give it a shot :P thankss guys!!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (16 November 2008):

I think you might find one of the best positions for this is you lying on your stomach and he enters you from behind. You can play with your clit at the same time. Tell hin when he cums to pull out and spray it all over your backside and massage the cum into your skin. I guarantee your cheeks will be the softest ever. Who needs moisturiser when you've got natural ingredients?

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A female reader, helpjayne United Kingdom +, writes (16 November 2008):

helpjayne agony auntA lot of people like to be ejaculated on, and most of the guys I've met love to be all dom, it's not weird at all and it's not a phase I don't think, and I bet he would really like it too, I think it's that you wanna be really dirty. You should try it you might really like it, when he's about to cum tell him where you would like it.


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (16 November 2008):

It's not a weird fantasy at all. It's quite typical really. I like it too. I messed around with this guy for about a year who always pulled out to cum. I found it very erotic to watch his sperm shooting onto my stomach. Most men are into it, so just ask him. He seems like he might be shy, so he might be reluctant at first. Next time you give him head, take him out of your mouth when he starts to cum and let it go on your body. He will love you for it!

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A female reader, *plac* +, writes (16 November 2008):

*plac* agony auntIt's normal to have fantasies like this, and trust me men love that. If you tell your boyfriend that you want him to cum on you he would be thrilled and happy to oblige!

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A male reader, DoubleM United States +, writes (15 November 2008):

DoubleM agony auntAlthough my personal preference is to cum inside (oral or vaginal), several girlfriends have asked for breast or facial and I'm happy to oblige. Some have enjoyed a bit of both - some orally and the rest facial, which they lick off the fingers. I think that is a porno-inspired thing and more recently encountered. It may be somewhat a fantasy, but if it turns you on, it is not at all unusual in my opinion. Fantasies can become very enjoyable realities.

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (15 November 2008):

TasteofIndia agony auntMost fellas will be thrilled to hear that you'd like then to cum on them. Just ask him to when he's getting close! He would be crazy or extremely self-conscious to say no!! In fact, I'll be honest, I've never really heard of a fella wanting to cum in privacy, but alright.

Believe me, you're not even CLOSE to weird. Not even CLOSE.

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A female reader, Jendorset United Kingdom +, writes (15 November 2008):

Just ask him. Tell him when he cums you want him to cum on you. Im sure he wouldnt mind. Im sure most men would love it if you asked them to cum on them.

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