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How can I make being on top work?

Tagged as: Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 November 2014) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 January 2015)
A female Czech Republic age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi, I have this problem: My boyfriend loves me on top. I don't like it. I get tired and can't orgasm from it - I never had problems achieving multiple orgasms, but when I go that road my whole body spasms and I need him to "carry me through". When I'm on top, I'm fully in control and that is bad. It is indescribingly frustrating to be on the brink and not follow through, even if I was satisfied before. I get irrationally angry and grumpy, even if I was enjoying myself a minute ago. Going in such a way that is less stimulating for me (and therefore avoids the problem) is not stimulating enough for him either. What can I do about it?

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A male reader, arrgy United States +, writes (6 January 2015):

Funny, because this is the only position my wife can orgasm in.

Tell your bf to lean up and start sucking on your breasts. Start with one, then the other, then if your big enough (like my wife thank GOD) I can suck both her nipples at once. She lasts about 30 seconds at most before orgasming.

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A male reader, olderthandirt  +, writes (27 November 2014):

olderthandirt agony aunttleanibg back on your elbows and moving the hips up and down so his tip rubs the G spot. works for us.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2014):

It's about the only way I can orgasm just through penetration. I can control the depth the speed and angle he penetrates me. If I like certain parts rubbed and can rub myself on him. Just use him like a doll for sex. I mean you don't have to think of him as an inanimate object just use him like one.

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A female reader, WhenCowsAttack United States +, writes (26 November 2014):

I suggest you have him sit in a firm chair, like a dining chair with some padding for his butt but with no arms. That makes it MUCH easier to be on top as you can use all of your leg muscles- your feet will be on the ground. And he still gets the fun of having you on top, and maybe even a little extra kink from it being in a chair.

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