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His family is against us being together and I'm not even allowed to talk to him!

Tagged as: Dating, Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 September 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 September 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

Dear Cupid,

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months now, when we first met eachother it was love at first sight, it was weird it was as if something lead us to meet and in an instant we just clicked as if we had known eachother for a lifetime. Just recently about 3 weeks ago he had some family problems which lead his family bringing up our relationship we are now on a break as his family is against us being together and its frustrating for me as I am trying to cope with not being able to talk to him or sms him or any signs to let me know that hes ok, is there anything I can do? or should I just be patient and respect his values?

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A female reader, snowbird Canada +, writes (7 September 2006):

snowbird agony auntThere really is'nt much to go on here without further information.

Would it be possible for you to send a letter to his home address requesting an explanation?

Ask if there is anything you have personally done to offend him or his family, any way in which you can help, and end the letter by saying if it has anything to do with you, you will do whatever possible to allay any fears they may have about you, or your family. Thank them for taking the time to read the letter and say that you respect their wishes, as long as you feel that no more can be done.. They will see that you are polite and mature, and this will be a good start.

It may be that it is something to do with a past relationship of his (or even yours?), or they may have heard some gossip about you or your family.

I can only hazard a rough guess, it could be to do with a family issue or religion, or some issue like that.

Hope you get to the bottom of it. Strange that you can't even contact him though..makes me wonder if he has another relationship - I could be wrong, but then, you know him better than I do, it's just a thought..?

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