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Hes 25 years older. I look like his daughter

Tagged as: Age differences, Big Questions<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 September 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

i am dating an older man 25 years older than me, we have known each other for 5 years, he used to come around do some decorating for me a and off jobs and he is a family friend of my ex partner.

We started to become closer once i split with my ex, he is in to meditating so he took me to the meditation centre and has been helping me with exercising my mind and memorising things and helping my wellbeing which has been amazing but we became close and have fell in love.

He is the man i’ve always wanted he ticks every single box however the age gap bothers me and i don’t want it to because he loved me and i love him but when we walk down the street i look like his daughter, i don’t like hiding our relationship because i feel like im hurting him but why am i feeling like this? He is actually older than my dad as well which subconsciously makes it worse but he is the most amazing man ever and treats me better than any other man does he is so respectful and the sex is the best i’ve ever had i cannot complain i just find myself don’t wanting to go to public places because i can’t take other peoples opinions.

View related questions: fell in love, my ex, older man

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