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He travels alot with work, while hes away I cant focus on life!

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 September 2006) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 September 2006)
A female United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

Im in a relationship and for work my boyfriend travells a lot. I find it hard when he is away and while he is away suffer form high anxeity. I dont manage to get anything done and loose my appitite. He is not aware that this happens as when he is here I am fine He will be in a new job soon and I will be able to see him lots I just need to know how to hold it together till then.

Also I am lacking in self confidence ans why I dont believe he is cheating or anything like that I worry when I dont get a text back and if I havent heared from him for a while

Any advice, please.

View related questions: confidence, text

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A female reader, confussed jane +, writes (15 September 2006):

hun its totally normal your missing him and wish he was with you 24 must love him alot seems to me that you are madly in love with and are scared of losing him.

i am like this all the time worried about my bf and if he cheating he tells me he never would because he loves me to much but it doesnt stop me from thinkin wondering.i always think distance guys like sex and all that being close to a lassie and i always wonder how does he cope without havin any how could he or does he get it.

should have a talk with him tell him how you feel and ask him what he thinks about cheating.also he cnt always text you or phone you whatever esp if he is working just because he doesnt text it doesnt mean he is with some other lassi.he probally trys to text you when he can or phone you whatever he does.

my advice to you is just to relax a little bit more till he gets back and then have a talk with him he mite be worried about you.

hun you never no what you got to lose just siting down with ur bf talkin to him.

good luck hope goes well xxxx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 September 2006):

It's obvious that you're just missing him and like you say, you'll get to see him more with the new job he's getting so that will be better.

And when you don't hear from him, he could just be busy working. Looks like that will all be over soon though


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