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He said he can't love me because of my past, but I still love him!

Tagged as: Big Questions, Breaking up, Sex, Teenage, Troubled relationships, Trust issues, Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 May 2015) 9 Answers - (Newest, 28 May 2015)
A female India age 26-29, *ererang writes:

i am unable to get over my ex. we started dating four months ago and it was the end of the first week itself i told him about my past, that i had lost my virginity to my ex. all he asked me was, if it was a one time mistake or more than that? I told him it happened just once. I didnt want to lie to him because I wanted to be honest and make sure nothing was hidden from him. at first he consoled me, was totally supportive, told me he wont judge me, but then things changed.

we broke up nearly four times in these four months because he just would push me away from him. he never shared things with me, or let me know him deeply. I always made efforts to understand him. Sometimes he would love me back, be like the best boyfriend ever but the rest of the times, treat me like a piece of shit, insult me, call me desperate. and finally, yesterday, he opened up and said that he cant love me because of my past, because he has certain principles in life.

even after so much, i still love him, he mattered more than anything else. i dont know what to do!

View related questions: broke up, lost my virginity, my ex

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A female reader, WhenCowsAttack United States +, writes (28 May 2015):

Well then what in the hell is his problem. You don't even want to know how many partners I've had and my husband loves me for ME.

Drop him, find a guy that won't slut shame you over something so insignificant.

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A male reader, yours2015 Australia +, writes (28 May 2015):

Dear ,

In Relationship , two partners are a. union. So if one is not treating well, change the partner.

Don't feel any guilty for past. Its over. The person doing wrong to hold it and doing negative to you. So , on your part , you have been true person to wrong person that is the reason why you feel bad.

About Principle, in relationship , I agree but it does not meat that he is able to point out that past. Its even not Good Attitude to a true person .

Be confident that you have opened your heart and you deserved a very batter person that him.

Best of Luck for matured partner.

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A female reader, mererang India +, writes (27 May 2015):

mererang is verified as being by the original poster of the question

@WhenCowsAttack, before me he was with a girl for six years.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (27 May 2015):

So_Very_Confused agony auntYou can never make it work with a man who has retroactive jealousy and is so very judgmental.

It will never work. Best to let him go and move on and find a mature man who loves you for you and does not judge you for things you did before you knew him.

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A male reader, Garbo United States +, writes (27 May 2015):

Garbo agony auntIf he has his principals, assuming here it's a virgin girl who he will undo, then just let him go so he can look for a woman that satisfies those principals. There is no way to undo your past therefore there is no way for you to ever be able to meet his principals. You maybe sad over this which is understandable but if he is so dead-set on holding a grudge over things you no longer have control over there is nothing that you can do other then let him go. You need not be treated like crap over your past and seek out a man who will be nice to you and help you remove any negativities from the past. Every person deserves niceness and so do you. Leave him.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 May 2015):

I agree you need to break it off with this guy. He is entitled to his opinion but its wrong for him to yank your emotions back and forth like this.

He needs to make the hard choice to stick by his principles and break up with you. He has been trying to ignore his principles to be with you and he can't do it for more than a short time. If he won't break it off then you have to. Neither of you is very happy with this mess now and it won't get better.

@ WhenCowsAttack:

Adult male virgins exist. Millions of them.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 May 2015):

HoneyPie is 100% spot on. This boy is NOT someone you want in your life. The right person will love you for who you are right now and not judge your past. Get away from this person and use this encounter to better define what you really want in a partner.

In a few years you will be pleasantly surprised how good life has become and how far you've progressed without this person in your life!

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (27 May 2015):

Honeypie agony auntYikes, get away from that guy.

He is holding your PAST over your head, knowing full well that YOU CAN NOT change the past.

And honestly, if he can't LOVE you as a person because you had sex ONE time, then he isn't GOOD enough for you.

Someone who treat you like crap IS not a person you want in your life.

Let him go, BLOCK him, delete him, REMOVE him from your life.

He isn't worth it.

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A female reader, WhenCowsAttack United States +, writes (27 May 2015):

How many partners has he had?

Not that it matters, but what's good for the goose....

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