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Have been in a relationship for 6 1/2 yrs, we have a good sex life and are very close. However I just discovered he's been emailing girls a lot, requesting contact, dirty talk and discrete relationships. What to do?

Tagged as: Cheating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 October 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 11 October 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *eddyb writes:

I'm 25 and have been in a relationship for 6 1/2 years. At the moment we are happy and have been for a while.

We have a good sex life and are very close, or so I though.

I have discovered that he has been joining matchmaker forums and stating he wants a discrete relationship in his status. I have seen his inbox on this site and he's been emailing girls a lot. Requesting contact dirty talk and discrete relationships. Is this normal, I have no idea if this is an intention to cheat, or if he has cheated...I don't know what to make of it please help

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 October 2007):

What u hav to do is tell him wat u no. It depends on his answer what u wuld do next. If he tells u that the truth is he wants to see other woman, be strong, ntell him that this is fine but that you two are finished. N u shuldnt go bck to him, he hasnt been honest with u, so u cnt trust him.If he tells u that it was just a little fun, maybe u can forgiv him. Its up to u. But jst tell him that if you see him doing things like that agin, n behind yr back, u are over. Because how can u trust a man that lies to u like that? N remember, dnt be too scared to ask him, as this is the only way.

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A female reader, heddyb United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2007):

heddyb is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks very much for this, I will say something. What you said is the same advice I would give any friend, not saying anything will drive me insane and let him think it's o.k.

Many thanks again


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A female reader, TELLULAH United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2007):

TELLULAH agony auntHi, It may be that he is just looking for a bit of a buzz. Either way this is just plain wrong, and I agree with Uncle Phil you need to confront him with it to see why he feels the need to cheat on you.

I must say you are very patient with him. I think I would have hit him over the head with a pan.

Hope he has a resonable excuse for you XX

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 October 2007):

He's cheated in his mind and on the computer, which is to me as good as cheating in the flesh.

You need to sit him down and tell him you know what he's up to. Ask him what the hell he's playing at - does he want to leave you and find someone else, or a 'bit on the side' etc.


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