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Flowers and chocolates important?

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Question - (3 October 2024) 2 Answers - (Newest, 12 October 2024)
A female age 51-59, *uioptt writes:

Is getting flowers and chocs and little gifts important in a relationship. If it stops is it not important or should you make the effort to buy them.

Other half stopped buying me stuff like this a long time ago. Don’t get me wrong I receive gifts on my birthday Xmas but nothing else the rest of the year. Love notes I do get now and then from him. I get it that not all men are romantic at all, him I think is one of them. Get breakfast in bed if I want it, meals made. Am I not grateful enough I get this. I myself don’t buy him gifts only for birthdays etc but do his washing pick up after him

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 October 2024):

Those things tend to happen early on in relationships so I wouldn't take it personally. Love notes, breakfast in bed and meals made not everyone gets so I'd be grateful. Maybe you could get him a surprise gift now and again as he does all this. Do it without expecting anything in return. Could be he does more for you already than you do for him. But better anyhow to appreciate what he does do.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 October 2024):

I never get flowers or chocolate from my husband. But he gives me what I need - love and HIS time. We do stuff together, have common goals and projects. That's important for me.

Everybody's different.

Why do flowers and chocolate mater to you?

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