writes:This is mainly for people affected by lack of confidence. Many people have an issue with confidence but feel that they can't talk to any one about it. As a UK student I have just been thinking about what would I change about my last 4 years of high school and what do I want to change and make different in my last year.I always have had an issue with confidence and it has affected my ability to perform academicaly at school. I felt enough was enough and something wasn't right!I decided to explore the reasons as to why I was soo unconfident!I asked myself:Was it my friends?Was it my family?Was it previous experiences? And to be perfectly honest,it was all of the above.The one person who has helped me changed soo much is a teacher at school. He put my life into perspective and really has faith in me to do well. The only problem was my confidence and I couldn't bring myself to reach the goals that this teacher feels I have the potential to reach. He decided to sit me down and ask me why did I feel that I didn't deserve top grades and I decided to be perfectly honest. I told him I lack in confidence! (Sounds crazy but it helped alot). He asked me those questions above and he said I only have to answer them in my head and he made me relise that I had that I had to change for my own good! I left my old best friends due to the fact they didn't act like a friend at all! It was the best thing I ever did and I have gone from being a C grade candidate to a A-A* candidate just because of the fact that my new friends are soo positive towards me.Another thing that has made me confident was identifing a skill that I was good at... well I didnt relise but my teahcer did... that I was really good at public speaking :O! I was soo shocked that everyone was saying how good I was at doing presentations and speaches in front of people because I looked soo confident and calm that they act like me when it's there turn! Now I do public speaking in the school club which is 3 years older than me becuase they feel I am really good and would be a good example that you don't have to be really confident to be good at public speaking!Here are my tips to becoming confident:1. Find someone you can trust, wether its your teacher, a friend, a family memeber.... it can be any one you trust but maybe not a good idea if they are the problem as to why you feel soo unconfident.2. When you know what the cause is I would cut them out of my life and move on. No matter how hard it is. Believe me it would of been alot more difficult to continue being realy uncomfortable and unconfident than to just get rid of the reason and start again.3. Find something you are good at and work at it. No matter how small it is. It doesnt have to be public speaking, it could be a sport, a subject you study or just something you are interested in. Even if it is a video game why dont you invite your friend to have a competition!4. Never say you can't do something! This is my last step that I am working on now! I would of said I can't do public speaking quite easily until it was pointed to my attention just becuase I felt soo uncomfortable with it. I am now happy to public speak in front of a room full of strangers without my heart rate even increasing!Every one deserves to be confident!
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