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Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 December 2008) 8 Answers - (Newest, 6 January 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I just threw up everything I ate today.

(i know because I saw what I ate for breakfast)

and I'm gonna start being anorexic because I really need to lose weight.

I'm 230 lbs and 5'3"

I plan on being 200 lbs by my 16 birthday (in a month)

any tips to help lose weight?

and do you know any natural laxitives?

just anything that will help please!

View related questions: anorexic, lose weight

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A male reader, PHOBIA MAN United Kingdom +, writes (6 January 2009):

I'll keep this simple, I'm a therapist, I run an eating disorder group, one girl got to us too late, she died of organ failier, she tried to lose weight by starving herself, she though she could control it, WRONG! she was 18. She died with more tubes in her than you can believe, down her throat, in her arms and male nurses wiping her bottom (did I mention puking blood), still want to starve? Well do ya???

You already know how to do this safely, don't you??

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A female reader, honeysugarz Malaysia +, writes (8 December 2008):

stop throwing up.. it is useless and make u suffering...

i have been over weight before.. i was like 188 lbs and 5'3" and now i'm around 127 lbs..

i try before to cut off around 22 pounds in one month.. i skip my breakfast, lunch, dinner and i do a lots of exercise ( i walk everyday a lots 1 hours/day). and maybe sometimes i will juz having my dinner only. skip ur meal is really not a healthy way.. as i suffering from gastric.. and sometimes i feel dizzy.. and when i wake up and stand up.. suddenly i feel the room turn dark and rotating.. take around few minutes to be ok.. this all the symptoms i have.

now i still dieting.. still need to cut off few pounds.. but i using the more healthy way and i successful too.. i cut off around 13 pounds in 2 months.. eventhough it takes 2 months, believe me it is worth!

one week the u juz need to lose around 1 - 2 kilos. what i do is eating eggs or steamed fish. (breaksfast, lunch, dinner) no vege or fruits.. it may cause u having constipation, so do drinks a lots of water (plain water)!

the eggs can cook in a different ways to enhance ur appetite (but no oil please.. or maybe a few drops is ok) and do some exercise.. if u lazy to jogging or walking.., juz dance! it works! u can purchase DVDs (such as belly dance or hip hop) and learn step by step the way they dance. no food to be taken after 8PM. give this method a try.. if use lose 1 kilos a week, a months u cut off around 8 pounds..

do not too rush for dieting.. take it slow and in a healthy way.. or maybe u can consult doctor to take some diet pills (which can help u to control appetite) or take some replacement meal (but if this ur 1st time on diet, will make u a bit suffer since no other food can be taken) or u can go to slimming centre (they will provide u a list of meal to be taken and with the machine to help u to slim down)!

it is all depend on u which u prefer! u still young.. ur metabolism rate is fast.. and u will drop ur weight fast..

dun too rush for weight drop..

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2008):

ok here is a good way to loose weight.......ok, eat food (don't throw it up) then go to the gym, get on a treadmil;and just run till it kills if u go till it hurts u won't go anywere. Most pple quit when they get tired or hurt...thoes pple wont loose anything soon. Eat food get on that thing and go at a jog till it kills [not hurts]

good luck

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A female reader, SirenaBlusera Mexico +, writes (8 December 2008):

SirenaBlusera agony auntStop throwing up! You're going to hurt yourself!!

You can lose weight, but it is highly dangerous to lose more than 10 pounds a month.

My brother lost nearly 20 pounds in a month and he almost died as a result, his gallbladder ruptured and he had to go to the ER and they said that the attack was a result of his rapid weight loss... and that he narrowly missed death.

You need exercise and a healthy diet to lose weight. Excercise doesn't have to be a drag, find a sport you enjoy. What about martial arts? It's an expensive sport but I think you should look into it. You and your parents should look at different schools and see what they have to offer.

I was fat, and depressed and I tried karate and it changed my life. I eventually want to participate again, when I have more time and stability in my life. Some schools have more competitive prices but it's worth every penny.

My parents were so afraid I would hurt myself but it's very misunderstood. It's a safer sport than basketball or baseball. It's a very safe sport because you're in a controlled environment... the best thing is when you get to go to tournament and at a certain level you can do sparring. :)

It doesn't feel like exercise.

If that's not an option maybe soccer or swimming?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2008):

Okay. I know this from well...experience. You can't wake up one day and say "I am going to be anorexic!!" because well it doesn't work that way. It's programmed into our brains. We dpn't choose this. And trust me you don't want to. It's hell. We lie to ourselves, our friends (what friends we have left) our family all in the hopes of destroying our lives. And when you look at the facts just plain not eating is not a good way to lose weight. It's more effective to diet and excersize.

Don't choose this because trust me. If I could, I'd rather be overweight and be in control of my thoughts than be skinny, think I'm fat, fear every single second because every second is a second I coiuld eat something. Dont do this.

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A male reader, Fatherly Advice United States +, writes (8 December 2008):

Fatherly Advice agony auntSeriously, an eating disorder is not a good way to lose weight. First thing you should do is go see a doctor. Talk to the dr about your goals. then get a dietician or join weight watchers. I was lucky enough to be able to work with a dietician. Three of my friends who were extremely overweight had amazing success with weight watchers. The real keys are smaller portions and a more active lifestile. Happiness, attractiveness, and even sexiness do not depend on a body type or size. These come from inside. FA

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2008):


that wont help at all

regular exercise- not hardout runs

walk more each day and build up to jogging then running

cut down on food but keep eating all the essentials

dont cut down on food too much do it slowly

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2008):

Yes I agree,You probably won't listen to this advice but throwing up is bad. 30 pounds in a month? I don't know about that. You need to cut fast food out of your diet and eat healthy food with exercise. I know you have probably heard diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight, well it really is! I wanted to lose 10 pounds and lost 12 pounds in a month and half just by not eating fast food, adding veggies to my diet and a hour of cardio in the gym 3 to 4 times a week. You need to do exercise. The weight will not just fall off in a month by throwing everything up. good luck

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