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Are these emails part of a head game?

Tagged as: The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 November 2014) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 November 2014)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *hanib writes:

Why does my ex send bizarre meaningless emails?

I broke up with my ex 15 mths ago, I have 2 kids with him, I had to go no contact as he was violent and malipuative and I felt I could not get over him if I stayed friends. He has met someone else and she lives with him in his flat! They are clearly loved up!

Every couple of weeks he will send me a random email, sometimes pics of the kids but sometimes something random like a jar of sweets or a YouTube videos of gary Barlow singing!

He used to send his ex emails when he was with me and I never understood it!

Is this just a head game he likes playing! Cuz I would not dream of doing this even if I weren't in a relationship! He is 46 and I really don't get it! Any ideas of why he'd do this?

View related questions: broke up, his ex, my ex, violent

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2014):

Dont even try to think what it is all about it it just plain old attention seeking behaviour. Do not respond, do not try to work out,what it means its just aload of crap, delete!

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (26 November 2014):

Honeypie agony auntWell, I think it's his MO. You said he used to do the same to his ex while with you. It's a way of not entirely letting them go. It's like a constant reminder that "hey, I'm IN your life whether you want me to or not". You already said he was manipulative, that won't change whether you are together or not. MANIPULATIVE people manipulate those they CAN, just like the rest of us breathe air. It's part of WHO they are.

I would honestly, have them go into a spam folder. If anything happens with the kids while at his place, he won't e-mail you but call (I presume?) so why torture yourself by reading them?

It could honestly be to keep the new lady-love on her toes as well as you. Like YOU knew he was doing it during the marriage, that was to keep YOU and the EX on your toes...

He sounds immature.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2014):

Just delete the emails without reading them. Read the subject line to decide if it's worth your time.

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