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Any tips about dressing to look funky yet rich?

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Question - (27 November 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 27 November 2008)
A male New Zealand age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hello friends,

i am 5'6" male weighing 72 kgs. though i am overweight and my lower body fatter than upper body, i dont look fat. both casual and formal wear suit me. my girlfriend is not impressed with the way i dress up. can anyone suggest me some tips to look funky yet rich. what combinations of colors in casuals should suit me ? i have round and broad face. what about my haircut ? they are dry and i am frustrated out of them. should i keep them very short ? thanks for ur time

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 November 2008):

Ok, firstly, can I just ask, why on earth are you going out of your way to look the way your girlfriend wants you to look? You are your own person, remember that!!! I could understand maybe if you were wearing a few sheets of newspaper and not bothering to wash for a few weeks at a time, but come on, seriously, she should like you for who you are!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (27 November 2008):

Its impossible to advise without seeing you and half the fun of re-vamping your image is to experiment to see what suits. I think it is a bit sad really that you feel this way and you mention dressing like you look 'rich'. If you mean groomed and smart then that is different. There are lots of good books on image for men - try the library. Perhaps your girlfriend could be more helpful and take you on a shopping trip and provide constructive comments to boost your confidence as you try on different things. Stick to your budget and don't get into debt just to please someone else. If it helps as an idea I made a collage board of images from various sources (not just magazines) of the kind of look I liked and I keep this as a reference to my style. Better to buy a few good clothes that fit you really well than a load of cheap rubbish that falls apart in the wash. Do this for yourself. Not your girlfriend.

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