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*ad Mac

United States  (Male   XML/RSS

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Marriage is a mess! Can anything be salvaged from it?

Q.   I stumbled across this site through Google, and basically just need someone to listen. 11 years ago, my wife and I got married (second time for me, first for her). At that time, she was a little overweight, but sexy with it. Fast forward to 2009:...

A.   9 April 2010: Betty - I still believe it can work. I still want it to work. But you're right, you only live once.... (read in full...)

Marriage is a mess! Can anything be salvaged from it?

Q.   I stumbled across this site through Google, and basically just need someone to listen. 11 years ago, my wife and I got married (second time for me, first for her). At that time, she was a little overweight, but sexy with it. Fast forward to 2009:...

A.   9 April 2010: Laura - Yes, I do. I love my wife dearly, but not at the expense of my own well-being.... (read in full...)

Marriage is a mess! Can anything be salvaged from it?

Q.   I stumbled across this site through Google, and basically just need someone to listen. 11 years ago, my wife and I got married (second time for me, first for her). At that time, she was a little overweight, but sexy with it. Fast forward to 2009:...

A.   9 April 2010: Doctor - I'd love it to change. I have no grounds for believing it can. As previously mentioned, any questioning of the endocrinologist or counsellor is "unsupportive". ... (read in full...)

Marriage is a mess! Can anything be salvaged from it?

Q.   I stumbled across this site through Google, and basically just need someone to listen. 11 years ago, my wife and I got married (second time for me, first for her). At that time, she was a little overweight, but sexy with it. Fast forward to 2009:...

A.   9 April 2010: Myrrh - "self indulgent, selfish and needy". I don't think she is consciously that way, but that's exactly where we are. ... (read in full...)

Marriage is a mess! Can anything be salvaged from it?

Q.   I stumbled across this site through Google, and basically just need someone to listen. 11 years ago, my wife and I got married (second time for me, first for her). At that time, she was a little overweight, but sexy with it. Fast forward to 2009:...

A.   9 April 2010: Thanks to all who have responded with many constructive suggestions. Miamine - the clothes thing, been there and done that. A couple of years ago, I suggested she get herself some nice outfits. She's the VP of a small company, and she ordered ... (read in full...)

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