My boyfriend never says he loves me, what should I do?
Q. My boyfriend and have been living together for year and he has never told me that he loves me. He never shares that much stories and sometimes tells me as a joke to go out with a guy who is ur age coz he is 26 years older then me. For me I don't ...
A. 27 June 2011: thank you guyz, am goin to talk to him coz i cant juz keep on wonderin does he love does he?... (read in full...)
Older boyfriend doesn't call me when he's away
Q. Am 22years old my boyfriend iz twice my age he iz 48 despite differents of ages I love him regardleSs and we been living together for about ayear now but what worries me is that he doesn't believe if I love him and when him travels he doesn't call ...
A. 29 May 2011: thanx guyz ... (read in full...)
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