Tisha-1, posted
over a year ago
All anonymous posts have to go through the moderating process. If you aren't posting from your logged in account, you will not ever gain AA status and your answers will be posted when our VOLUNTEER moderators have a chance to log on and moderate. Sometimes it is within an hour, other times it may be several hours. It is frustrating if you are waiting to see your answer printed, but you have to understand that a moderator, a human being who is volunteering his or her time her has to read, all the way through, each and every submission from non-AA aunts and every single anon submission. This amounts to thousands of answers in a day. Thousands. Some are short and some are very long.
The alternative is to have every single answer moderated and that isn't possible with the level of questions we receive.
If you are submitting reasonable, helpful, noncombative posts UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT NAME, you will eventually be noticed by the moderators and will eventually achieve AA status.
That is how the system works here. It is not perfect, it is not always fair or evenly applied, as the moderating process is a judgement process by individuals, humans who make mistakes or err on one side of cautious or the other.
If you cannot tolerate the system, alas, this may not be the place for you. So, if you are submitting as an anon, then you will simply have to have patience and wait for an imperfect human being, an unpaid volunteer, to wade through the hundreds of postings and read them all, including your anonymous submissions.
Posted on 5 May 2011 @ 14:17 (London time) - permalink
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