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The Porn Myth

DearCupidDearCupid, posted over a year ago

Interesting article

I've always been disurbed by the number of help requests to DearCupid where guys are using/abusing pornography and not making love to their partners!


Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 10:5 (London time) - permalink
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YosYos, posted over a year ago

This is a classic article. And very disturbing given the now ubiquitous availability of very hardcore porn to anyone from about age 6 and over.

When I read it (a while back now) it really made me re-evaluate my attitude towards porn in general. I've forwarded it on to many of my male friends... its facinating to watch their reactions. It usually follows the same pattern: denial, then trying to pick holes in the argument, and then later a quiet coming to terms with it. For me it was the trigger in my life that has led me to cutting out porn, and I've really seen an improvement in my sex life since.

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 13:45 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I read that a while ago and found it very throught provoking, I sent it to a couple of female friends I have who were having issues with their boyfriends who used porn and my friends were not getting enough "love" and attention and well... neither couples are together any more. In both cases there were huge arguments, the guy couldn't see the connection and the girls thought we made to think they were over-reacting.

Strange really as a teenager I had been one of the most extreme libertarian left-wing people ever. Now though, I don't believe pornography is about freedom of choice for the individual. Instead, it's a deadly plague to society that corroes away the good and hope for the future generations of mankind.

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 15:40 (London time) - permalink
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harshbutfairharshbutfair, posted over a year ago

Listen to Harshy: Pornography poisons the mind.

Pete, you sounds quite passionate about this. Have you been affected first-hand?

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 15:58 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well, even if I take an objective PoV, I actually do agree that porn does have a great negative effect on people even if they are out of a relationship. This is for the majority and generally speaking.

Though my past stances seem to argue for pornography and the usage of them, I also can comprehend the negative effects they may bring to individuals for the excessive use of them. Having couples and their bf's/hubs or their gf's/wives use them instead of working out a relationship, or having porn so easily accessible with the internet is quite a dire anti-cause if I may use that term. If only there was a way to put everything into moderation, including the general superficial media, then things may not be as 'bad' or as diluted as they are now.

However, I wouldn't argue against pornography at the same time. Doing so would state a hypocrisy in my own ideals as a designer of sorts. If I find beauty in the things I do based on the desires of common society, then having the raw desires through sexual lust and objectifying the things you associate porn and the people around you, beating them down, and arguing against the moderation of porn usage, wouldn't that make me a hypocrite to what I find in my life in my career as being enjoyable then?

Anyway and however, if there is something that can be done to help couples, then I am all for it. If porn is an obstacle, as well as general media proclaiming beauty in curveous women, toned very fit men, and thin trendy boys and girls, then I say, people should try to look at the majority and see that being curveous, toned and very fit, and thin trendy is quite abnormal in our society. Yet, general media would tell otherwise.

Oops, did I just get off topic?


Anyway... There you have it. So unrefined - myself... Morning. Porridge...

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 16:24 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I can vouch for the fact that porn does turn some people into monster. I know first hand. My ex husband tried everything connected to porn. What effect did it have. Well, if i didn't go along with these things then i was beaten up. He was a wife beater. I know a lot of people look at it innocently but i hate it now and i'm glad that my new partner never looks at it at all. He loves me for me and doesn't see the need to look at porn.

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 16:41 (London time) - permalink
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YosYos, posted over a year ago

"Having couples and their bf's/hubs or their gf's/wives use them instead of working out a relationship"

You are bang on there. I think that is probably the biggest issue. Porn in moderation can be mostly harmless, and sometimes a good thing if its out in the open and spurs a couple to be open and experimental sexually with each other (presuming they both want it). But I think more often than not porn becomes a refuge to run to to avoid dealing with sexual issues, and that is a road to ruin. I know this first hand, I've done it myself in the past.

The thing that scares me is that so many young boys are growing up with such a high exposure to porn. I mean, I saw porn as a teenager, but that was before the internet and DVDs, where the most I could see was magazines (hard to get) and maybe a soft-core late night movie. It certainly wasn't on tap, and ultra-hardcore as it is now. I really feel sorry for the teenage girls who get into their first sexual relationship aged 15 or so and have a boyfriend who thinks porn is all about gagging, hard anal and smacking someone. Which has unfortunately become very mainstream in internet porn. Fucked up :(

I too am a designer and I have gotten increasingly effected by what my work means in this context. Porn isn't something that exists in isolation, its part of a bigger context of popular media: music (eg Nellie Furtado: 'Promiscuous'), TV (Sex in the City, etc) and so on, where sex is generally being portrayed as more of a commodity.

I find it deeply troubling that so many of us see this 'liberalisation' as a good thing. I am an almost down the line liberal when it comes to politics, but I think we've made a mistake here. The real agenda isn't about being 'liberal' its about making money: companies can make a great deal of money out of convincing us of our own sexual inferiority and then selling us TV, movies, magazines, clothes and a lifestyle that can 'help us' somehow. In reality they could give a shit about the consequences of their actions, they are only bottom-line driven. I see this on a regular basis from the inside. The advertising industry is entirely build on this. Make someone feel inferior, then offer them a product to solve this manufactured need.

These days I'm trying to figure out a way to try to be ethical in the work that I do. Designing large web sites etc, social networking, mobile phones, and so on, does create the opportunity for positive change. We aren't powerless, we don't have to just passively consume what we are given. Vocal individuals who can put their words into action can make a difference. In a way it has become my mission in life, and one that has created a lot more purpose and meaning for me than I have ever had before.

Here is a great quote from the graffiti artist Banksy that really captures some of this feeling for me:

"People abuse you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply that you're not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They're on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

However you are forbiden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with impunity.

Screw that. Any advert in public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It's yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

You owe the companies nothing. You especially don't owe them any courtesy. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don't even start asking for theirs".

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 17:42 (London time) - permalink
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SexybumSexybum, posted over a year ago

That's a pretty dispressing article when you think about it...... we're all doomed!!!

Posted on 29 November 2006 @ 21:27 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

And it all boils down to money."Money the route of evil" ..."Money makes the world go round."

Never mind all the people who are destroyed in the process.

Its a pitty that some men/women can't distinguish fiction from reality.

Posted on 30 November 2006 @ 10:49 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

You know, a friend and I were just talking about stuff - if there is really a god or gods, why didn't god/gods make asexual people? It would make the world so much more peaceful. Porn would definitely not be an issue. 8]

Posted on 30 November 2006 @ 17:23 (London time) - permalink
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YosYos, posted over a year ago

Perhaps porn falls under the 'worshipping false idols' category?

Posted on 1 December 2006 @ 8:7 (London time) - permalink
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