birdynumnums, posted
over a year ago
I like to think that there is a plan...
When my Dad passed away last September, I was in the Netherlands, on my way to Dubai and then the Maldives. Dad passed away before I got on the plane to Dubai. It could have been near impossible for me to get back to my Mom from the Maldives... I think he wanted me to come home. He had always loved the patchwork hills in the fall and wanted to have his ashes scattered there, and he died EXACTLY when the trees were at their peak of colour. I know that his poor body was too weak and he was afraid because his mind was confused and he was alone in the hospital. I'd like to think that he chose his own time. That thought gives me some comfort now. But it did take a while.
I can't imagine a better time to leave than being on the beach with people that I love.
Right now, it's hard to see that any of this has any purpose at all. Perhaps her poor body was too weak. Perhaps she chose her time too. It's normal to cry and wake up that same way. The grieving process is inevitable, it's going to come and go and hit you when you least expect it. Please take good care of yourself right now, get out into the fresh air, take long walks, eat good food, take long baths and drink lots of tea and lift a pint or two. Let yourself grieve, it will take some time. Be kind to yourself. You are experiencing a loss of a close friend, and it's normal to want to shake your fists at the sky and cry unfair. Just know that your friend isn't in any pain anymore and that she knows that you love her, she has that as a warm blanket to wrap herself in. I think the love goes on, it continues and that's what lives on.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Posted on 2 July 2008 @ 17:45 (London time) - permalink
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