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Why has my mate suddenly changed?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 December 2011) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

me and my mate 'darren' are like brothers. we have known each other for like 12 years. neither of us are virgins any more, but we've both always thought that sex was for someone you truely care for. now he's started havin sex with girls he doesn't even know and that's completeley out of character for him. I don't know why the sudden change. we are, or at least I still am, different from our mates who think its just a shag and ditch situation. we've been teased but it's no big deal. darren was more against one nighters than me so it seems worryingly odd to me that he'd suddenly begin it all. i didn't even see it coming because the change in attitude towards sex happened practically over night a couple of weeks ago. it's not his style to shag and ditch like the others, he even tries to keep in contact with some of the girls but they arent bothered because to them it's just sex. i know he wants more but he thinks he can't get a gf and must be missing out on stranger sex. what might have caused this sudden change in him? he hasn't lost any friends or family and the taunts from our mates never really bothered him as much as it did to me. he'gs a goodlookin guy and we both regularly go to the gym but normally we don't really approach girls because our other mates get more attention - until 2 weeks ago when he was drunk enough to flirt with some random girl. I'm just confused ( and sorry about my spelling I am dislexic.)

View related questions: drunk, flirt

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