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Why didn't he just invite me?

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Question - (14 January 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 15 January 2009)
A female United States age 41-50, *ody_marie27 writes:

My guy invited me and my daughter to come over and hang at the pool. I told him my little one was in school he just said "ok"...why didn't he just invite me at that point? Weird?

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A female reader, jody_marie27 United States +, writes (15 January 2009):

jody_marie27 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

You both were sooo right! He ended up calling me and asking me over. I just dont know where we stand. we seem like we are in a relationship, we act like it but have never had the talk. Some say you dont need to. Some guys just know you are theirs. Its confusing for me right now.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 January 2009):

It sounded like when you said she was in school and didn't elaborate that you were using her as an excuse not to come over. Next time try saying she's in school but I could come over if you want. Men are for the most part clueless, they don't understand sublty. However you spell

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A female reader, SoftlyCaress  +, writes (14 January 2009):

SoftlyCaress agony auntNot really weird Maybe He thought that it would be nice for her to come and swim while you 2 hung out and chatted .Maybe He Likes kids not in a bad way just as in a fatherly way and likes spending time you both as a family there are many reasons it could be so dont think badly . you could have said well she is in school but would you like me to come over and hang out or what ? There are alot of ways to approach the issue ........

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