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Why did she assume that my current man stole me from my ex??

Tagged as: Breaking up, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 July 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 18 July 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *odkablue writes:

well here goes.

my ex fiance got married 6 months ago. my current boyfriend was working with a girl the other day who was telling him about my ex fiance getting married.

my current boyfriend knew of him but didnt know his surname. he knew of him because i was good friends with my current boyfriend whilst i was with my ex fiance. anyway when my current boyfriend told her he didnt know who she meant, the girl replied "well you should know because you stole his girlfriend!".

a good girlfriend of mine who knows this girl has told me my ex and her are good friends on facebook so how on earth did she make this assumption ?

im upset because its rubbish - rubbish because the reason i split with my ex was because he was cold and unfeeling. i worked with my current boyfriend-thats how we were good friends but im wondering how she made that assumption -any ideas/help/advice thanx guys

View related questions: facebook, fiance, my ex

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A female reader, QuirkLady United States +, writes (18 July 2009):

QuirkLady agony auntSo what if she thinks that? She's not your friend or his friend or anyone whose opinion matters. She's just a coworker and she can believe the moon is made out of green cheese if she wants to!

Don't worry about what random people think of your relationship if you're happy. People are always going to hate and make up stupid crap because they have nothing better to do. Maybe your ex told her that to make her feel sorry for him. Maybe she hallucinated it. Either way there's no need to concern yourself. Brush the haters off and go on about your life.

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